Definition of



Car repair is carried out in mechanical workshops.

The first step that must be taken in order to fully discover the word reparation is to proceed to determine its etymological origin. In this sense, we can make it clear that it emanates from Latin, and specifically from the word reparatio .

Repair is the action and effect of repairing objects that do not work correctly or that were poorly made . The concept has its origin in the Latin word reparatĭo . For example: “I have to send the television for repair since it doesn't tune the channels properly,” “Repairing the computer cost me more than five hundred pesos,” “They told me that there is no possible repair of the audio system.”

How a repair is carried out

To repair something, you must have knowledge about its structure, components and operation. Many people try to repair objects on their own and sometimes they succeed by appealing to logic or simple patience . For more complex things, however, the assistance of a specialist or technician is usually needed.

A chair, a ball or a book are some objects that can be easy to repair (a few nails, a patch and a little glue can be enough). On the other hand, electronic devices such as televisions, computers or radios generally require the work of someone who has studied them.


There are repairs that must be carried out by specialists with technical knowledge.

Mechanical workshop and technical service

One of the sectors where the term in question is most important is the automotive sector. And given the vital service that our car offers us, when it breaks down quickly we need to solve the problem to be able to continue using it. That's why we go to what is known as a repair shop .

Here mechanical professionals are in charge of studying the car in depth and finding the origin of its problems. Thus, in this way, they will immediately proceed to repair it appropriately either by recovering parts, cleaning them or even replacing those that require it.

It is known as technical service or service , meanwhile, to the companies (or offices within a company) that are dedicated to the repair of appliances and other equipment. The devices usually include a guarantee that, in the event of malfunction for a certain period of time, ensures repair free of charge.

Reparation as relief

The notion of reparation is also used to name relief or satisfaction for damage, an offense or an injury : “The minister was forced to pay a thousand dollars to the journalist as reparation for his insulting statements.”

This meaning of reparation is most evident in the field of justice. And in any case, the pertinent authority in charge of resolving it will issue a sentence in which the victim can see how the criminal in question who has caused harm is responsible for making amends.

As a general rule, said reparation consists of the payment of a specific economic amount, which will be greater or less depending on the crime that has been committed and the damage, both physical and mental, that has been caused to the person who is the victim. of that one.