Definition of



When a person receives money for their work, they obtain remuneration.

When a person performs a professional job or fulfills a certain task in a company , they expect to receive payment for their efforts. This reward or retribution is known as remuneration , a concept that derives from the Latin word remuneratĭo .

For example: "If you accept this job, you will have a remuneration of three thousand pesos per month" , "I like the job, but I am not satisfied with the remuneration offered" , "The company is having some problems meeting the salaries of its employees." » .

Fixed remuneration

Typically, remuneration takes the form of a salary or monthly salary . This means that, at the end of each month, the worker receives a fixed remuneration for the tasks performed.

Regardless of how stable the remuneration may be, the amount received by the individual can vary each month by including variables such as the presenteeism bonus or sales commissions .


The fixed and monthly remuneration is known as salary or salary.

Related concepts

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore other important concepts and types of remuneration that exist. Among them are the following:

• Mobile minimum living wage . Under this name is the minimum remuneration that a person must receive for a day of work.

• Extraordinary payments, which are the additional remunerations that the employee receives at the end of June and December. These are two payments that usually equal a specific part of your monthly salary .

Characteristics of labor remuneration

Remuneration is understood as compensation within the framework of an employment relationship : a person works and helps generate wealth with their work, for which they receive an economic reward. It is possible, however, to work without receiving remuneration, which is known as ad honorem work .

If the employment relationship is regulated by national and international laws, remuneration must allow the worker to satisfy his or her basic needs and lead a dignified life. From this floor, the worker can aspire to receive higher remuneration according to his experience, training, productivity, etc.

However, despite this, there are currently still serious problems regarding labor remuneration. Thus, inequalities continue to exist in this regard between men and women. And the studies carried out show that, even being in the same position and doing the same jobs, the man still earns more than her.

This situation is a clear reflection that, although much has been fought and important steps have been taken, discrimination and inequality still exist.

An administrative branch focused on compensation

We must not forget the existence of what is known as Remuneration Administration. This term refers to the administrative branch of any company, which is responsible for everything that has to do with employee compensation.

Specifically, the professionals who occupy positions in this area, among other things, proceed to establish a competent remuneration program to achieve not only greater equity with respect to the workforce but also a growth in competitiveness.

There are times, however, when the person works informally or in the dark , without having legal protection. In that case, the remuneration is usually lower since the employer has no obligation in this regard for the simple fact of being outside the law (that is, his primary obligation is to comply with the law and comply with what it dictates). .