Definition of



The device that allows towing is known as a trailer.

Towing is the action and result of towing . This verb , meanwhile, is used when a person or a vehicle drags something, whether on land or water.

Before moving forward, we are going to proceed to establish the etymological origin of the concept. Thus, we can say that it emanates from the Latin remulcare which, in turn, derives from the Greek rymolkein . This Greek word was the result of the sum of two words: ryma , which can be translated as "rope" , and olkós , which is synonymous with "traction" .

The concept is also used to name what is towed and the device that allows towing . For example: “The car had a mechanical problem and was left stranded in the middle of the road: we are going to have to ask for a tow” , “An Irish fishing boat requested a tow in the middle of the storm” , “The authorities acquired five trailers for rescue" .

The trailer as cargo transport

A trailer can be understood as a cargo transport that does not have its own engine or traction, so it must be propelled by another vehicle. The trailer, which in some countries is called a trailer or trailer , allows you to carry various types of objects.

Farmers and ranchers are currently two of the professional groups that use trailers the most on a daily basis. And they are used to carry with them all the essential materials for their work, such as farming tools or animal feed.


The trailer can be a cargo transport that does not have its own engine or traction, so it must be dragged.

Classification according to type

However, in the market we find a wide variety of types of trailers, among which we can highlight the following:

  • Tilting trailers , which have the advantage that they can adopt different positions.
  • Trailers to transport motorcycles of different displacements . In this sense, we have to explain that there are also others that are specific to be able to transport everything from cars to bicycles to various boats.
  • Animal trailers . In this case, the most common are those that allow horses to be carried. However, the number of those who exist to do the same with dogs is growing more and more.
  • Multifunctional, delux fiber or machinery holder are other models that are also for sale. All this without forgetting that there are also different proposals based on their structure. Thus, for example, there are the chassis type or the van class, which are closed.

Trailer Uses

Suppose a family is heading from a city to a coastal town to enjoy a beach vacation . In the car, the father, mother and two children travel. Thanks to having a trailer attached to the car, the family can also transport a jet ski to enjoy the sea.

Certain trailers, as we already mentioned, allow the transport of animals . It is possible to find trucks with trailers that carry cows from a field to the slaughterhouse, where they are slaughtered.

It should be noted that trailers require various qualifications to be roadworthy, depending on the characteristics of their load. In general, it is required that the trailer have a license plate or license plate (which may be exclusive or a copy of the one held by the main vehicle) and that it have some type of lighting.