Definition of

Sanitary landfill


Solid waste arrives at the landfill after treatment.

A landfill is a space where a city's solid waste is deposited after having received certain treatments. To prevent the subsoil from being contaminated, the ground is waterproofed with high-density polyethylene or another substance and clay is placed.

It can be said that the sanitary landfill is a technique in order to give waste a final disposal . In addition to waterproofing and other processes to ensure that these wastes do not become a danger to public health , the compaction of waste is carried out, thanks to which they occupy the least amount of space possible.

Management of a sanitary landfill

The sanitary landfill, in short, includes an installation and an operation for the disposal of solid waste. It is necessary that the authorities choose a suitable place for the development of this landfill and that its daily management be rigorously controlled to avoid pollution and health problems.

Various equipment and machinery come into play in the daily operation of landfills: dump trucks , tractors , backhoes , compactors , etc. Depending on the amount of waste that is destined for the landfill, there may be a greater or lesser need for manual labor. In larger landfills, most of the work is mechanized.

Other activities important to the ecology and economy can arise from the management of the landfill. For example, it is possible to separate glass and paper so that this waste can be recycled : in this way the amount of garbage that remains permanently in the landfill is minimized and income is generated.


Various vehicles and machinery are involved in the management of a landfill.

The landfill or garbage dump

One of the main objectives of using a landfill is to avoid the problems that arise from methods such as landfilling . The latter is also known as a garbage dump , landfill or garbage dump and consists of a place in which garbage is deposited as the last of the actions in the elimination process.

A landfill can be clandestine (environmental issues are not taken into account but rather anyone chooses it to get rid of their garbage; it is a worrying source of diseases and pollution, among other problems, and is usually located in sinkholes or natural depressions. ) or municipal (the site is chosen by the local government, after having carried out the relevant environmental, social and economic studies).

One of the measures through which the landfill aims to reduce the typical problems of a landfill is an in-depth environmental , social and economic impact study carried out from the moment of its conception, in addition to the search for a truly suitable site, the which is monitored and studied from the beginning to the end of its existence.

Landfills and environmental impact

The environmental impact is one of the fundamental points of any waste deposit system, since it is about the effect that this generates on the environment. Although various campaigns have been trying to make people aware of the consequences of our actions on the health of the planet for decades, the majority live without worrying about these issues; The main reason is that the negative effects are usually not immediate or very evident.

How many times do we wonder what happens to our waste, or what happens if we forget to separate the different materials? We do not see behind the scenes , nor the problems that may arise if the organization of the personnel in charge of maintaining the landfill is not optimal, so it is normal for us to adopt an indifferent attitude in this regard. It is in our hands to collaborate with the system through the organization responsible for our garbage, as well as to avoid littering public roads by all means and to inform ourselves about projects related to the subject.