Registry is a term that originates from the Latin word regestum . It is about the actions and consequences of recording , a verb that refers to observing or inspecting something carefully . Recording is also writing down or recording certain information in a document or paper.
The notion of registration, however, has multiple uses. In fact, the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes more than twenty meanings. A registry can be a space where something is recorded . For example: "I have to go to the National Automobile Registry to renew the car's documentation" , "Lucía went to the Civil Registry to request an appointment for the wedding" , "My brother is a lawyer and works at the Registry of Civil Associations" .
In a similar sense, the registry is the list, document or register where there are inscriptions or general information: "Tomorrow I am going to the center to process the driving registration" , "I think we have not received any complaints from this company but, just in case "I'm going to see the call log to confirm it," "Please look in the registry if we have any associates with the last name Gómez," "I don't know why I'm not in the registry: I signed up three months ago."
Event log
The registration of events is one of the functions of the State . Through certificates , minutes and other documents, the corresponding officials are in a position to become aware of and record certain facts, in such a way that rights and obligations are generated.
The registration of a birth is an example of registration carried out by a State. When a person is authorized to drive, the authorities grant a license as a record of said permit.
In some cases, authentication or legalization of the signature is required for the development or approval of certain procedures. In this framework, a notary or notary intervenes to provide proof.
a receipt
A receipt is a record of a certain action . When a commercial transaction is completed, the seller gives the buyer an invoice or ticket that constitutes a testimony of the sale.
A receipt or bill can also serve as records of transactions or services provided. These documentations detail accounts, present reports or serve as reports, depending on the context.
Suppose a person receives the bill for their home's electrical service. There appears the rate you must pay and the period you have to do so. If the user does not pay on time, a penalty is applied (usually interest added to the original amount). When non-payment persists, the company may interrupt the service.
It is important to keep in mind that the client can request a modification of the invoice if they consider that the registration is not correct. If you are right, the company proceeds to rectify it and generate a new invoice.
Registration in a database
In a database , a record is a set of data that belongs to the same table and is located in different columns (fields), depending on its type. For example, in a table named "Employees", where its fields are "ID Number", "First Name", "Last Name", "Email" and "Position", a record can be "13094, Carlos, Pérez, [ email protected] , Programmer».
Thanks to a series of functions that every database must provide to its users, records can be entered field by field or at once, modified, deleted and, thanks to one of the most powerful tools, related from one table to another. or others. Although the relationship is established between the tables, linking certain fields with specific rules, it is their records that in practice give life to said union.
It is essential that copies of the data be made as a backup. If a problem occurs that threatens the integrity of the information, or even causes it to be lost, it is possible to resort to the copy to recover or restore the records contained in the file. This is especially necessary when the data is very important.
Division of the musical scale
Register, on the other hand, is each of the main divisions of the music scale: high , medium and low : "You have a good voice, but we are looking for someone with more confidence in the high register" , "Lautaro's middle register "It's just what we needed to complete the chorus," "The song is good, although I think the singer's voice is drowned in the low register."
Human voices are divided into six strings , each of which has sub-strings; In this way, it is possible to talk about various types of soprano or baritone , for example. This concept is often confused with that of register, although they have clearly different meanings: all voices are composed of more than one register, such as the low, central and high (the three basic and most common registers).
Example of voice recording
The coloratura soprano string type, for example, usually has a limited low register, a moderate central register, a rich high register and a high register of varied extension but with special brightness and agility. Therefore, both concepts are complementary and are usually used together to describe with some precision the type of voice of a person, focusing not only on its timbral qualities and its extension but also on the ease it has to move through its different regions .
In this sense, the area of the voice in which a singer can perform with more skill and produce a more pleasant, bright and tuned sound is called tessitura . This may refer to a part of one or more records, or to a complete one and part of another, depending on each individual.
Another use of register is linked to the mode of expression depending on the context or the specific case: "What I liked most about the book is its informal register" , "The manager adopted a somewhat tragic register to communicate Dr. Ticcio's resignation" .