Definition of

continental region


The territorial fragment that is larger in comparison to nearby islands is called a continental region.

The concept of region , which comes from the Latin word regio , refers to the fragment of a territory that is differentiated from the rest by geographical, climatic, political, administrative or other characteristics. A region, in turn, can fragment into other smaller entities.

Continental , on the other hand, refers to that linked to a continent . The continents are the large portions of land into which the surface of our planet is usually divided.

The idea of ​​a continental region , in this framework, usually refers to a large territorial mass that, due to its dimensions, contrasts with the surface of nearby islands . The notion also allows us to indicate the largest island in an archipelago .

What is a continental region

It can be said that the notion of a continental region is constructed in opposition to other regions. In other words: for there to be a “continental region” somewhere, there must be other areas that are outside this group due to their territorial or geographical characteristics.

There is a contrast, then, between the continental region (or mainland , in English) and the insular or peripheral regions. Typically, the continental region has more inhabitants and greater economic relevance than the rest.

It is important to keep in mind that what is considered a continental region may vary. The continental United States , for example, can include Alaska or leave out this state depending on who makes the distinction.


Equatorial Guinea has an administrative division called the Continental Region.

The case of Europe

If we focus on Europe , it is generally mentioned that its continental region covers the entire territory with the exception of Great Britain . This conception is geopolitical, since there are many other European islands of importance.

Continental Europe , then, should also exclude Iceland , the Balearic Islands , the Faroe Islands , Sicily and other island lands if geographical factors are examined. In any case, there are other criteria that are usually used.

Thus, in Nordic countries, the continental region of Europe is indicated to encompass all nations except the United Kingdom , Ireland , Iceland , Finland and Scandinavia .

The continental region of Australia and Spain

The mainland region of Australia refers to the main area of ​​the so-called Australian continent or Sahul , leaving out Tasmania and other smaller islands . In fact, the concept is useful above all to differentiate between Tasmania and the rest of Australia .

As for Spain , its continental region refers to the Iberian Peninsula . That is why it is also called peninsular Spain . Ceuta , Melilla , the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands are not included in the continental region.

The concept in Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is a country in Africa whose State is organized as a republic . Its territorial division includes eight provinces, which are divided into two regions.

The Continental Region is that which borders the Atlantic Ocean , Gabon and Cameroon . The Insular Region , meanwhile, is made up of islands such as Bioko and Annobón , among others.

More than 1,000,000 people live in the Continental Region . The city with the largest number of inhabitants in the country is located in this part: Bata . However, the national capital is Malabo , which is located in the province of Bioko del Norte ( Insular Region ).