Definition of



It is possible to use different criteria to delimit a region.

The concept of region (from the Latin regĭo ) refers to a portion of territory determined by certain common characteristics or special circumstances, such as climate, topography or form of government .

A region is also a territorial division , defined by geographical, historical and social issues, which has several subdivisions, such as departments, provinces, cities and others.

Administrative region and cultural region

An administrative region is a regional division organized by the national State to facilitate the administration and government of a country. These regions have an artificial origin, established by law, regardless of whether the division takes into account geographical or cultural criteria.

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as a cultural region , which is one that originates, over time, as a result of a specific territory assuming a culture (historical, sociological, linguistic, environmental...) which means marking a clear differentiation with other nearby regions. This causes it to move further and further away from them and almost establishes an isolation that gives rise to this type of region mentioned.

As clear examples of this case, we find the cultural region of Wales in the United Kingdom or the province of Quebec in Canada.

Catalan flag

The region of Catalonia is located on the Iberian Peninsula.

History, nature and zoology

And all this without forgetting that there are also other types of regions such as historical, social or urban ones. In the first case, one of the clearest examples can be found in Spain where there are historical regions such as Catalonia or Galicia.

The type of region that is determined by physical geography is known as a natural region . In these cases, what is taken into account when considering the division is the relief, vegetation, hydrography and other factors.

In Argentina , for example, one of the most important regions is the Pampas region or Pampas plain , which has an area of ​​about 600,000 square kilometers. It is a plain that, towards the west, has undulations and becomes stepped.

For zoology , regions are each of the parts into which the body of animals can be divided externally. In this way, it is possible to determine the site, extension and relationships of the different organs.

The region in "The Lord of the Rings"

Finally, it should be noted that, in the fictional world created by the writer JRR Tolkien , the Region Forest is a sector of the Kingdom of Doriath .

However, within this mythical literary saga ("The Lord of the Rings") it must be established that a region better known as The Shire also serves as the setting for its stories. It is located in the northern part of Middle-earth and is in turn part of another larger region called Eriador.

Specifically, those who live in The Shire are the hobbits, a race of beings with characteristics similar to the human race but which, among other things, differs from it because the individuals of the former have a very short stature and enormous feet.