Definition of



Reflexology can help with relaxation.

Reflexology is the discipline that promotes the treatment of various conditions through hand or foot massages . According to this doctrine, massages applied to certain points of the body cause a reflection in other body regions, allowing relief from discomfort.

This means that, according to reflexology, headaches and gastritis, to name two ailments, can be treated without coming into contact with the head or stomach. By simply massaging the appropriate points on the feet or hands, the therapeutic action will reach the affected area.

Origin of reflexology

The origin of reflexology is considered to be in China , although the most distant historical records date back to 2,300 BC. C. in Ancient Egypt : it is known that back then foot massages were used to deal with certain ailments. However, the history of modern reflexology is based on studies, work and research undertaken approximately 125 years ago.

Reflexology is based on postulates similar to those of acupuncture . Its promoters believe that the body is crossed by meridians that divide it into different regions and that each of these regions has its reflection in the feet or hands. In some cases, it is claimed that reflexes are also found in the nose and ears .

Through the aforementioned meridians, according to reflexologists, an energy known as chi, qui or qi circulates. This vital energy must flow naturally: when that does not happen, an illness or other health problem occurs. Through reflexology, key points are massaged that allow the reactivation of the flow of chi in those regions of the body where there was some type of blockage or inconvenience.


There are institutions that offer training in reflexology, although the discipline is not recognized by science.

The benefits

Those who carry out this technique and those who periodically come to it to undergo massages consider that it brings with it a significant number of positive contributions. Some of the benefits of reflexology are the following:

  • Get relief from pain that can be suffered in different parts of the body.
  • It allows the person to achieve a reduction in stress and anxiety.
  • It is also determined that it contributes to improving blood circulation.
  • Likewise, it is believed to be a great alternative to end depression, contributing to emotional health.
  • Experts in this technique also affirm that attending sessions is a way to recover much better and faster from any surgical intervention. Specifically, they establish that by using it you will avoid having to take numerous medications to relieve the pain that you may feel.
  • It is also considered that it can help deal with problems such as diabetes, hypertension and even cholesterol.

It is often indicated that migraines can be relieved through reflexology.

Reflexology and medicine

It should be noted that medicine has a critical stance towards reflexology because there are no scientific studies that demonstrate its effectiveness. That is why doctors believe that its potential benefits are the result of the so-called placebo effect .

It is common for reflexology to be mentioned as an alternative therapy , since science lacks clinical evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of its treatments. It is also designated as a holistic therapy because it considers health from a comprehensive point of view, considering both the physical, the emotional and even the spiritual as a whole.

Due to this lack of reliability, those who put aside skepticism and wish to undergo reflexology techniques are usually recommended to consider such therapy as part of complementary medicine , without abandoning conventional medicine care under any circumstances.

The map

The foot reflexology map is a resource that works as a guide. This instrument is especially important for reflexology practitioners as it indicates where the reflex points and reflex zones are located on the feet that correspond to the various areas, systems and organs of the body.

This map details where to exert friction, stretching, sliding and rotation in the feet to affect other body parts. There is also a similar hand-centered map for when the reflexology session focuses on that location ( hand reflexology ).

It is interesting to mention that reflexology can be associated with shiatsu , an oriental technique that is developed through acupressure and acupressure and is also based on the flow of qi.

Contraindications of reflexology

The contraindications of reflexology are several and must be taken into account. Massages, in certain cases, can affect physical health in a negative way.

Pregnant women, cancer patients and those with thrombosis, for example, should not resort to reflexology. People with heart conditions, serious wounds, infections or skin rashes also do not have to do it.

In any case, it is best to consult with a trusted doctor before carrying out a practice that aims to affect your health. Although there are professional reflexology associations and institutions that grant certification to those who complete training in the subject, it cannot fail to be mentioned that it is not a discipline backed by science.