Definition of


Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney is a rock icon.

Originating from the Latin word referens , the notion of referent is used to refer to a person or object that refers to or reflects a relationship with something . The term is often used to name someone who stands out and is, therefore, an exponent or a symbol within a certain field. For example: “Manu Ginóbili is the greatest reference in Argentine basketball” , “The team needs a reference who can take on the pressure of the younger players” , “The murdered leader is a reference for the Turkish socialist party” .

If you look closely, nature repeats in all its species a hierarchical structure that, as expected, consists of at least two parts: one made up of the majority that follows the other, made up of a few individuals (sometimes just one) that guides the rest. In terms created by humans, herds of animals follow their leaders , worker bees work to feed and care for their queen, and people depend on the decisions of their governments.

But from birth we are subjected to relationships where power reigns ; our parents or guardians are the role models we must imitate in order to learn to walk, eat, speak and interact with other living beings, as well as with the objects that surround us. The examples they provide us are many and of very diverse characteristics, and confusing all their influences into a single group is one of the worst and first mistakes we humans make.

Examples of references

A father who works responsibly and uses his money to provide comfort and opportunities for his family (without going into the specifics) can be a good role model for his children in terms of how to handle their obligations; however, if that same man supports the mistreatment of animals, or mocks people with very obvious physical defects, or if he looks down on individuals of other races, then that aspect should not serve as a reference .

Outside the family environment, teenagers often look to famous people for role models, especially musicians and athletes. Again, if they focused solely on the professional aspect of stars, there would be no problem in taking them as role models . However, fanaticism causes the ability to distinguish between the human being and the icon to become clouded, which generates an indiscriminate and dangerous adoration, turning idols into absolute role models.

The concept in semiotics

In the field of semiotics , however, a referent is one of the elements that make up the sign based on the concrete and real object it refers to. The referent of the sign tree, to cite a specific case, is the physical element composed of the trunk, branches, leaves, etc.

Signs are made up of meaning , signifier and referent . Some signs, however, lack linguistic meaning, such as proper names. The name “Carlos” does not refer to a single person or an invariable subject, but rather there are many individuals with the same name.


The notion of referent is used in semiotics.

The referent according to Peirce

Charles Sanders Peirce defines the linguistic sign as a three-sided entity. The signifier is the material support (captured by the senses), the meaning is the mental image (the abstraction of the sign) and the referent is the real object .

Peirce classifies signs differently according to their relationship with the referent. When the sign shares some similarity or analogy with its referent, it is called an icon (a statue can be an icon that represents a personality).

If the sign has a direct relationship with the referent, it is classified as an index . A stain on the ceiling, for example, can be an index of humidity.

A symbol , finally, is a sign that has an arbitrary or conventional link with its referent, such as written or spoken words.