Definition of



Forwarding an email allows a user who received a message to send it to another recipient.

Forwarding is the process and consequence of forwarding (sending something that was previously received). Send, for its part, is a verb that refers to getting something moved to another place.

For example: «Have you received my forwarding? It is an envelope with several invoices and other documents inside" , "Postal forwarding allows me to receive the letters sent to my address in the city at my country house" , "Now I am forwarding the email to you so you can read What is the manager's idea?

Forwarding an email

The notion of forwarding appears frequently in the field of computing . When a person receives an email , they have the ability to forward it to other users. This means that the same email that arrives is sent, through the forwarding action, to different people.

Suppose a woman receives information about a hotel offer by email. Because this person is planning a vacation with her family, she decides to forward the message to her husband and son. Thanks to this forwarding, these two family members will also receive the email in question and will have access to the information.

Typically, the email system includes some type of reference in the subject that indicates that the message has been forwarded by another user. In this way, when a person forwards an e-mail, the acronym RV (forward) or FW (forward) may appear in the subject.


The idea of ​​forwarding is used in the field of law.


Abuse of the email forwarding option can lead to what is known as spam ; that is, unwanted or offensive messages , for example.

There are people who enjoy generating these chains with different themes, generally with a humorous tone or a search for awareness regarding a specific problem; In other words, they forward messages that contain jokes or interesting information about a particular topic, hoping that their contacts will do the same to continue distributing them.

Forwarding in private international law

In the field of private international law , the concept of renvoi is understood as a mechanism that aims to resolve negative conflicts of jurisdiction, that is, those that occur when a minimum of two legislations from different national legal systems appear, none of which are attributes the necessary competence to resolve them to themselves but rather gives it to a foreigner.

The transfer applies to private law cases in which there is a relationship with relevant foreign elements and is carried out when the conflict rule is transferred from one country to another twice, that is, it passes from the first to a second. and reaches a third. It should be noted that the country in which the matter is tried is called the forum .

Professor Mario Ramírez Necochea , specialized in the subject, recognizes the following two types of forwarding, depending on the amount of legislation involved:

  • First degree remand : it is also known as resubmission and refers to the case in which the conflict rule of the country in which it is judged is referred to a law of another country which, in turn, is referred to the first, which generates a round trip.
  • Second degree referral : this is the situation in which the referral of the conflict rule occurs from one country to another and from the latter to a third party.

Although not included in the previous list, another type of forwarding is also contemplated in which a response is sent by correspondence so that an immediate return takes place.