Definition of



Redundancy is the excessive use or repetition of something.

Redundancy is a term that describes what is abundant or excessive compared to a thing or context . The concept, originating in the Latin redundantĭa , is used to name the excessive or enormous use of an idea or a word , as well as the repetition of data included in texts or messages that allows, despite the loss of part of them, to rearrange its content .

Redundancy is generally said to involve a property of certain expressions or phrases that contain parts that are predictable from the rest of the information . The redundant, therefore, does not provide data , but rather reiterates something that is already known or that emerges from other parts of the content.

Examples of redundancy

The expression “Enter inside” , for example, is redundant since you cannot “enter outside” . Therefore, it is enough to simply refer to “enter” since it is understood that it is about entering somewhere.

The same can be said of phrases like “Tell Miguel to go up” (it is impossible to “go up below” , so “Tell Miguel to go up” would already provide all the meaning), “The publishing house published three posthumous works by the author after his death” (everything “posthumous” takes place after a death) or “Scientists have discovered four different species” (no two species are the same, so if we talk about four species, it makes no sense to clarify that they are different) .

Your acceptance

Despite what was explained in the previous paragraphs, redundancy is accepted in several Spanish-speaking regions, especially in Spain . There, expressions such as "climb up" or "enter inside" are part of everyday speech and, although they are not recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy , they do not stand out for their lack of correctness given that they are used by the majority of people. In the same way, in countries like Argentina, errors are made such as the excessive omission of the preposition "de" for fear of falling into dequeism, even when its use is absolutely necessary.

Redundancy is an essential part of the English language , and in this case it is not an error overlooked by a large part of society, but rather a linguistic issue that significantly differentiates it from Spanish. A very striking characteristic of the British language is that it has many synonyms for verbs that in Spanish are usually represented with one or two words; It should be noted that this information refers to the portion of both languages ​​that is used daily.

For example, in the case of the verb "shine" , in Spanish there are synonyms that have slight differences in meaning, such as "shine" , but not many people with an average level of education could list "scintillar" , "sparkle" , "glow" or "flame" . However, in countries like England or Australia, various variations of the verb in question are often used, although almost instinctively, but choosing one or the other depending on the context and what you want to express. With regard to redundancies, it is very common for English to create structures such as "it shone brightly" or "it walked and walked" , and even with more consecutive synonyms, seeking to emphasize the ideas.


Security redundancy is a technique that ensures the operation of a system.

Security redundancy

Safety redundancy , on the other hand, is a design principle that allows different systems to perform the same function simultaneously. This way, if one fails, the rest of the systems will protect you and no data or functionality will be lost.

In some cases, redundancy is used to detect errors that occur when sending data from one point to another, rather than to correct them. If two nodes are executing the same task, or two parts of a component are transmitting the same information and there is some difference between the two results, then it is certain that one of the two has experienced a failure, and success will depend on the techniques used. its identification.