Definition of

Commercial writing


Business writing aims at persuasion.

From the Latin redactio , writing is the process and result of writing (putting something in writing). The term is also used to name the physical space in which writing is done and the team of journalists who are dedicated to writing for a specific publication.

Commercial , for its part, is an adjective that refers to what is linked to a trade (the establishment that offers certain products for sale or the economic activity of buying and selling goods).

The notion of commercial writing , therefore, mentions the task that an editor carries out when he creates a text that aims to promote the sale of a product or a service .

Principles of business writing

The commercial writer must take care of all the basic aspects of any writing (spelling rules, style, internal coherence, etc.) but, in addition, he must take into account that his message seeks to persuade the reader about the benefits of what is at hand. sale.

Business writing must be clear: people must be able to interpret the message easily. If on a first reading the person does not understand what is being said, it is most likely that they will not read the text again and, therefore, will not pay attention to the products or services mentioned.

For all this, it is important to determine to whom the message intended to be disseminated through commercial writing is directed. Because not all people have the same abilities to decode messages, it is best to focus on a certain target (the aforementioned group to which you want to direct the message) and write with them in mind, even when you try to make the message have the greatest possible range.


That the message is clear is essential in commercial writing.

The importance of avoiding mistakes

Although it may seem difficult to believe, a slight error in the way a product is presented to the public can result in its commercial failure or, in the best of cases, in an inaccurate perception of it that leads many people to believe that it is a product. something else or that it lacks certain features that it really has. No matter a company's efforts to correct the initial perception, a percentage of people will never be open again if the first message did not convince them.

To avoid reaching this devastating point for a company, there are many tips to follow when writing commercial writing, some of which are listed below:

* be clear about your ideas before starting to write. This is related to what was said above, since to effectively communicate a message we must understand it and be able to summarize it perfectly;

* Before embarking on the body of the text, it is advisable to prepare the titles and subtitles, to articulate the message more precisely and in a more impactful way;

* don't fear drafting, as there is always time for editing and trimming. It is essential to capture every idea that comes to mind, instead of starting to write only when we find something that convinces us;

* Commercial writing also depends on inspiration and that is why it is useless to force ourselves to write if we do not notice a clear direction. In other words, a break in the middle of a time of low productivity can be key to finding the perfect words later;

* remove all unnecessary content. Any redundant word or phrase can make the message difficult to understand , which is why one of the secrets of commercial writing is to seek synthesis at every step;

* provoke potential consumers but only promise what we can deliver, since lying has too high a cost in the long term.