Concept of



Writing involves putting something in writing.

The word redaction comes from the Latin term redactĭo and refers to the action and effect of writing ( putting in writing something that happened, agreed or thought previously).

Writing requires textual coherence and cohesion . Since the order of the words within a sentence can modify the author's intention, it is necessary for the writer to organize in his mind the ideas he wants to transfer to paper or computer .

The next logical step is that, once this mental organization has been established, the main and secondary ideas are identified, so that when writing they appear in order and according to the importance of each one. If the author does not manage to organize his text in a logical and careful manner, the writing will be of no interest to the reader.

The editorial office as an office, a group of authors and an organization

On the other hand, the newsroom is also the office or physical place where writing is done . For example: "In fifteen minutes I have to be in the newsroom," a phrase that a journalist can mention to refer to his or her workplace.

The term editorial office also allows us to name the group of editors who work for a periodical publication: "The newspaper's editorial team has expressed its rejection of the statements issued by the national authorities."

Likewise, within a newspaper or a publication of various types there is what is known as the Editorial Board. This is an organization that is made up of its top leaders and whose clear mission is to establish not only the lines that it must follow but also the news that should be published or not.


The first step of writing is to organize the ideas in your mind.

An autonomous activity

Journalists are in charge of carrying out all these writing tasks. However, it must be said that currently, and due to the appearance of new technologies and especially the Internet, there is what is known as a freelance editor. This is a professional who carries out writing work independently and for third parties who are the ones who demand it from them.

This profession would fall within teleworking, which has the advantage that the person who performs it can better adjust their time, work from home and see remuneration based on their projects. However, among the inconveniences he has to face is that he does not have a working schedule and that means "taking" many hours at his job, and also that he is subject to order fluctuations. This will result in a variety of monthly benefits.

Writing as composition

Finally, it should be noted that an essay is a written composition on some topic. This acceptance of the concept is usually used in educational centers, where the essay constitutes an exercise or practice that a student must carry out: "Today I had to hand in an essay on the geography of Buenos Aires."

In this sense, it is very common that in schools, in order for students to learn to construct sentences and express what they want, they are given the task of writing essays about what they did on the weekend, what their family is like or what They like to do things in their free time.