Definition of

computer network


A computer network allows the interconnection of computers and peripherals.

A network is a structure that has a pattern that characterizes it. The notion of informatics , for its part, refers to the knowledge of science that enables the processing of data in an automated manner through computers (computers).

With these concepts clear, we can understand what the idea of ​​a computer network refers to. This is the set of equipment ( computers , peripherals, etc.) that are interconnected and share various resources.

Depending on the type of connection , the relationship between the elements and the scope, it is possible to qualify a computer network in different ways. The Internet , in fact, is a computer network: millions of computers are interconnected through servers and can share all types of data.

Characteristics of a computer network

These networks involve the interconnection of equipment through certain devices that allow the sending and receiving of waves , which carry the data that you want to share. In computer networks, therefore, there are senders and receivers who exchange messages.

The objective of a computer network is for computers to share their resources remotely . In this way, if there are five computers in an office, they can be networked so that each one can access the others' data. If a printer is also connected to the network, it will also be possible to print documents from any of them.


Office computers are usually connected to a computer network.

Cost reduction

Another purpose of a computer network is cost reduction; In many companies, the computers used by their employees are nothing more than nodes that constantly communicate with a large server, the one truly responsible for processing the data and sending responses to the former so that users can take advantage of the resulting information and carry carry out their tasks.

If in a case like this a network were not used but rather each worker was provided with a computer capable of carrying out all the work independently, the company's investment would have to be greater, not only when purchasing the equipment but to maintain them, since the complexity of each one would be greater than that of the nodes .

Components of a computer network

For a computer network to develop, the computers need to have a network card (also known as a network card ). This hardware device allows the sending and receiving of data packets.

Broadly speaking, the basic components to create a computer network are the hardware (the equipment and the physical part), the software (the logical part) and the protocols (models and standards that are used to determine how the network should function). With respect to the physical part, it is possible to distinguish between end-user devices (computers and peripherals that offer services to the user directly) and network devices (all those that are interconnected to allow the former to communicate with each other). .

At the software level we find the following two components of a computer network:

* network operating system : it allows computers to connect to each other and allow users to access different resources and services. A network needs the operating system to function correctly in the same way as a personal computer. Typically, this operating system is part of the one used by clients and servers;

* applications : this broad group includes all the programs that users can use directly, such as word processors, spreadsheets and databases. Although the background configuration differs from that used on a personal computer, since the computer network focuses on the use of shared data and control thereof, the final experience of each user can be very similar to the that you have in your home, for example.