Definition of



Social networks favor virtual interaction.

From the Latin rete , the term network is used to define a structure that has a characteristic pattern . There are multiple types of network, such as the computer network , the electrical network , and the social network .

The computer network names the set of computers and other interconnected equipment that share information, resources and services. It can in turn be divided into various categories, according to its scope (local area network or LAN , metropolitan area network or MAN , wide area network or WAN , etc.), its connection method (via coaxial cable, optical fiber, radio, microwave, infrared) or its functional relationship (client-server, person to person), among others.

The importance of the Internet

In the past, the concept of a computer network was very exciting since it was a rarity that was accessible to certain institutions and the most knowledgeable. However, with the spread of the Internet, it became part of our daily lives .

Through a computer network we can send and receive information of all kinds, from text to video, and also play online with other users as if we were in the same room. Two of the most important factors when choosing an Internet service provider are speed and latency, which are partly linked to the type of connection (ADSL, fiber, 4G/ 5G , etc.).

What is an electrical network

The electrical network , for its part, is made up of electrical generators , transformers , transmission lines and distribution lines , which are responsible for bringing electricity to residential users.

The system uses different voltages, where the highest ones are used over the longest distances, while the voltages are reduced as the power gets closer to the user's premises.


An electrical network is made up of generators, transformers and lines.

Virtual meeting point

Regarding the social network , the concept refers to that structure where various individuals maintain different types of relationships (friendship, business, sexual, etc.).

The social network has updated its meaning in recent years, since the term began to be used to define Internet sites that promote virtual communities according to interests. Twitter and Facebook are two of these social networks that bring together millions of users, who can exchange messages and files with other members from around the world.

Social networks are a global phenomenon with practically no age limit: from young children to the elderly enjoy this virtual plane in which they can carry out different activities and, in some cases, fulfill their dreams. While during the first years it was easy to define them, today they have become an almost indivisible part of life, hand in hand with mobile phones and, needless to say, the Internet, the thread that weaves all the experiences of modernity. .

The reach of a social network

Someone who has never used social networks could ask us "what can we do on them", but it would be easier to answer "what ca n't be done on them". They are far from being a virtual space limited to meeting people, although this is one of the basic possibilities. Nor should they be associated solely with leisure, one of the elements that is most obvious thanks to the thousands of memes and funny videos that are shared every second.

Through a social network it is also possible to run a business, stay in constant contact with other professionals, study remotely, maintain ties with friends and family who live far away, ask for help to cope with emergency situations, raise awareness among world population of different social problems and much, much more. In short, social networks are like an international platform to make ourselves heard.