Resource is anything that is useful (and necessary) to fulfill a purpose or obtain something that is intended. It is a word derived from the Latin word recursus which, as noted when consulting the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , has some other meanings that expand and diversify its application and meaning.
The notion, in addition to referring to a means or good that is needed to achieve a certain thing, refers to both the act and the result of resorting. It is even used within the field of Law with the objective of identifying a request that is made before a jurisdictional body in order to request that a resolution be issued capable of replacing another that has been challenged.
Given the existence of an enormous and even inexhaustible variety of resources , below we will offer data of interest linked to how they are classified and what particularities they are recognized, what is the function and value of the most important resources for human beings and how it is appropriate manage, administer and use them.
Resource classes
There are numerous types of resources available to people. Human beings are a resource in themselves because, based on their knowledge and work , they serve as a means to make businesses, life projects, etc. work and progress. The corporate area known as human resources , to offer more details in this regard, is in charge of issues related to the company's personnel: searches and interviews people to occupy different positions or positions, selects candidates, hires those who best adapt to the desired profile and trains workers, among other tasks.
When starting a company, similarly, it is essential to have sufficient economic resources to drive and sustain the productive and commercial plan devised. It should be noted that the subsistence and coverage of an individual's basic needs also depend on obtaining and investing money .
In everyday life, the sources or resources of information that allow us to incorporate, expand and even transmit knowledge related to all kinds of topics are also essential. Nor should we lose sight of the relevance of technological resources , essential to promote and facilitate communication , simplify and streamline processes, save time in the development of certain activities and more benefits. Didactic resources , meanwhile, are allies of teaching and learning .
By focusing attention on natural resources , that is, on materials or products of nature useful to meet the needs of humanity, the categories of abiotic, biotic, renewable and non-renewable resources come to light.
Air , to indicate a specific case, is a primary natural resource for individuals, animals and plants to develop and stay alive. Another vital resource, which must be taken care of so that it does not run out, is water .
Natural gas , coal and oil , for their part, are considered fossil fuels and are included in the group of non-renewable resources since they end up being depleted and their regeneration or replacement is not achieved in the times required by the demand for energy. the consumers.
Every resource , regardless of its origin, magnitude and area of application, is important.
The sun , for example, is a powerful source of solar energy , a resource that, with the installation and operation of photovoltaic solar panels , is transformed into electricity . At the same time, it is a necessary resource to be able to take advantage of the benefits of household appliances and work equipment, among other products .
Of course, in order to accumulate, use and take advantage of goods and services , you must have (or have obtained at some point) resources connected with sacrifice, time and effort (translated into academic training, work and money ).
Thanks to the different types of resources at our disposal, we can satisfy needs and/or desires, produce, provide benefits, boost growth and progress, generate or obtain employment, etc.
Administration and resource management
To get the most out of resources you have to learn to recognize, administer and manage them efficiently.
Within the framework of a project , whether educational, work-related or linked to the personal sphere, it is always advisable to plan, program, identify the elements, means and tools available ( infrastructure , raw materials , budget , human capital ). and assign them a role or function.
In the field of health , on the other hand, nursing staff and medical professionals must articulate actions and manage resources of time , materials , facilities , work tools , etc., to achieve coordination and quality service that guarantees patients an optimal and valuable experience of attention, respect and care.
Leaving aside the type of resources available and the field in which they are used, in order for them to perform as well as possible and be of great use, it is advisable to manage them through decisions made with intelligence , creativity and strategic vision .