Definition of



Something recurring occurs every certain amount of time. For example: floods may be recurrent in a certain region.

Latin is where we find the etymological origin of the recurring term that we are now going to analyze. Specifically, this leads us to know that it derives from recurrerentis , which can be translated as "he who runs again to ask for help." It is the result of the sum of three different elements:

-The prefix re- , which is used to indicate reiteration.

-The verb currere , which is equivalent to “run”.

-The suffix -nte , which is used to record the presence of an agent.

Concept of recurring

Recurring is that which recurs . Resort, for its part, is a verb that has different meanings: it can be about something that returns or the action of making a request to an authority, among other meanings.

Something recurring, therefore, is what appears again after a certain period . For example: “I have a recurring nightmare: I am walking along the seashore and, suddenly, a giant wave appears and drags me away,” “The player announced his retirement from professional football due to recurring injuries that prevent him from training and competing.” normally” , “Those are recurrent behaviors in this region” .

Take the case of a certain city , located next to a river, which floods frequently. It can be said that, in said city, flooding is a recurring problem since, every few months, the phenomenon repeats itself. The authorities, therefore, should take measures to prevent flooding from continuing to recur.


Relapsing fever is a disorder that can be associated with certain infections.

Different uses of the term

In the field of law, the adjective recurrent is used to mention the individual who files an appeal before the relevant justice to carry out his defense and be able to get a judge or court to annul, modify or confirm the sentence that was handed down to him. in the first instance.

You also have to know that there is, in the same way, what is called a recurring payment method . This is the term used to refer to the bank account or credit card that a person periodically uses to pay a company in question for the services it is providing.

In the field of mathematics , the process that is repeated is described as recurring. A recurrent nerve or canal , for anatomy , is one that returns to its place of origin after traveling a certain path. The recurrent laryngeal nerve , to cite one example, begins in the vagus nerve and carries impulses to an area of ​​the larynx.

Recurrent illnesses

Within the medical field we cannot ignore the existence of the use of the term we are analyzing either. Specifically, we are referring to what is known as relapsing fever . This is used to mention two aspects: the increase in temperature that a person suffers again after certain improvements and an infection that is identified by constant symptoms of fever and that is transmitted by ticks and lice.

Recurrent diseases , finally, are disorders that return again and again or that manifest themselves every certain amount of time : recurrent pancreatitis , recurrent cancer , etc.