Definition of



The counting of votes is key in elections.

Recounting is the process and result of retelling something . This means that, according to the original meaning of the term, it is first counted and then recounted with the intention of confirming that the first count was correct.

The notion of count is also used to name what is done when seeking to confirm the number of members or elements that make up a set . The count, on the other hand, can be the preparation of an inventory .

Etymology of count

In order to know precisely the meaning of the term, it is necessary to determine its etymological origin. In this case, we can say that count is a word that derives from Latin, since it is made up of several components of said language:

  • The prefix re- , which is equivalent to "backwards" .
  • The particle with , which is used to indicate "whole" or "together."
  • The verb putare , which can be translated as "estimate" .

The concept in the field of elections

Within the scope of elections and elections , whether local or regional or even national, the recount takes on special importance. And it is the phase in which, once the voting time has closed, the people in charge of presiding over the polling station have to proceed to open the ballot box and carry out the calculation of all the votes that have taken place. . That is, it is the moment in which the votes are read aloud and then proceed to count how many each candidate or party has received.

Suppose that, in a company with two hundred employees, a vote is held to elect a delegate. There are two candidates and each of the two hundred workers casts a vote, placing a piece of paper in a ballot box. The count shows a result of 124 votes for candidate A and 76 votes for candidate B. Then a count is carried out that confirms the first result. In this way, candidate A becomes the workers' delegate.

laboratory study

A blood test allows for a platelet count.

Counting in other contexts

You can also count the stock of products in a warehouse. The owner of the establishment will proceed to count the different products one by one to make an inventory . This will allow you to optimize your relationship with suppliers, ordering in advance those products that are about to run out.

In the field of medicine , different counts are usually carried out to obtain information about a person's health status. The platelet count , to name one possibility, reveals the number of platelets that a human being has in his or her blood. It should be noted that platelets play an important role in coagulation. An abnormal result for this count may be a symptom of anemia, leukemia, or other disorders.

Sometimes a person is subjected to what is known as a complete blood count , the so-called CSR , which will involve measuring the number of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets in the blood. In this way, infections can be detected and even certain diseases can be diagnosed, as well as exhaustive monitoring of how the patient is doing when they are being treated for cancer.