Definition of



The person in charge of an educational institution is known as the rector.

Rector is an adjective that refers to that which rules or governs . As a noun, the term can be used to name the person who is in charge of the government and command of a school, a university , a hospital or a community , as the case may be.

For example: “Carlos Gurez has been appointed rector of the Universidad Popular San Javier” , “The professor sent me to speak with the rector because I broke a window with a ball” , “The rector of the hospital asked the authorities for greater support to deal with the epidemic” .

Election of a university rector

The election of a university rector varies from country to country. In some countries, the university community itself is responsible for choosing the rector through a direct election, with free and secret suffrage. However, it is more common for the vote to be weighted according to the percentages of representation of the different sectors (teachers, non-teaching staff and students).

In other countries, the rector is chosen directly by the Governing Board of each institution. This means that teachers, employees and students cannot vote in the election, which is left in the hands of a few people.

The rector's term in office also varies from case to case. Typically, the rectorship lasts four years, after which new elections must be held.


The principal fulfills multiple functions in an educational establishment.

Its functions

The rector is usually a person with a recognized academic background, being an eminence in his specialty. However, his choice is often linked to political motives and interests.

In an educational institution, the principal is the figure who represents the highest authority both at the administrative and teaching level and it is his responsibility to ensure that his institution provides the services it promises, so that students achieve their educational goals. Among the many functions he must fulfill, the following are included:

  • Legally represent the school staff.
  • Chair any committee that deals with the administration of the teaching, management and academic budget, and take part in any meeting that he or she considers may benefit from his or her presence.
  • Analyze current regulations and, based on them, decide what criteria to use to manage the institution;
  • Responsible for the planning and organization of curricular activities.
  • Ensure that there are sufficient channels of communication to meet the needs of all those under your care, including students, teachers and the rest of the staff .
  • Assume the direction and supervision of all activities focused on promoting the well-being and economic and administrative development of the institution.
  • Ensure that the academic assignment is fulfilled, following the regulations in force.
  • Participate in and direct the annual evaluation of the institution and be responsible for sending the relevant report to the corresponding administrative institution.
  • Delegate your duties to a coordinator when you have to be away from the center.
  • Ensure that the teaching staff has the necessary educational resources to fulfill its functions, for which it must also supervise the use of the budget.
  • Promote constant improvement in the quality of the services offered by the establishment.
  • Maintain close links with educational authorities , with the centre's sponsoring groups and with its local community;
  • With the help of the Academic Council, take charge of the orientation of the educational process.
  • Ensure discipline within the institution, according to the coexistence manual and current regulations.
  • Update teaching methods and curricular activities in accordance with trends and discoveries that can benefit students and improve the organization of the establishment.