Definition of


classic racing car

The trajectory of rectilinear movement is drawn on a straight line.

The Latin word rectilineus came to Spanish as rectilinear . This is what is described as something that has the shape or appearance of a straight line .

Before moving forward, it is important to mention that, for geometry , a line is a continuous succession of points . The concept can also refer to a line or a direction. The straight , meanwhile, lacks angles or curves and does not show inclination to any side .

Made up of straight lines

What is formed by straight lines, in this way, can be described as rectilinear. For example : "The German manufacturer surprised at the exhibition by presenting a rectilinear, vintage-style car" , "The new rectilinear telephone from the Finnish company is causing a sensation among teenagers" , "I really liked the rectilinear furniture that was in the “our hotel room.”

rectilinear movement

Rectilinear movement , on the other hand, is called movement that describes a trajectory in a straight line . If the speed is constant, it is called uniform rectilinear motion , while if the acceleration is constant, it is called uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion .

In the field of classical mechanics, this type of movement is easier to treat than one in which the direction varies, since an equation of less complexity is developed. If time also does not influence the movement, then the system is called autonomous . Returning to the uniform rectilinear movement, we can add that to calculate the distance traveled, the time must be multiplied by the speed, something that can also be applied to a non-rectilinear movement if its speed does not vary.

Regarding its meaning, it is represented by the positive sign (the negative is the opposite). We must not forget that this aspect is arbitrary, since we define it for greater convenience when studying the result. Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion makes the calculation more complex, since a magnitude called acceleration influences its result constantly. Vertical free fall is a clear example, which occurs in nature every time a body heads towards the ground: gravity constantly accelerates it, its speed becoming greater in each fraction of time.

In the field of dynamics , the branch of physics dedicated to the study of physical systems and their temporal evolution in reference to the causes that generate changes, uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion is understood as that carried out by a particle that begins in a state of rest but then receives the influence of a force that accelerates it constantly.

rectilinear angle

A rectilinear angle , likewise, is formed with the portions of a plane that are limited by rays that begin at the same point.

The main characteristic of this category is that the lines that form the angle are straight. In this same classification we find two other possibilities: curvilinear angles (formed by two curves) and mixtilinear angles (which combine a straight line and a curve).

This means that we are faced with a classification that includes one in which we find the angles divided according to their opening, with terms such as right , obtuse and acute . These last types can be combined with the previous three, so that we can have an acute rectilinear angle or an obtuse mixtilinear angle, for example.

rectilinear building

The design of a rectilinear building is mainly made up of straight lines.

rectilinear individual

A rectilinear individual , finally, stands out for the rectitude of his behavior . That is why it can be said that he is someone with very firm moral values ​​and impeccable ethics.

If a man finds a wallet with documentation and money and, instead of keeping the bills, looks for the owner to return his belongings, it can be said that he is a rectilinear person .