Definition of



As violence escalates in a region, the number of victims increases.

To recrudecer is a concept that has its origin in the Latin recrudescere . This verb refers to that which causes something negative when, after having hinted at a setback or a disappearance, it reappears with renewed force .

For example: "I fear that the disease may flare up again since antibiotics are not giving the expected results" , "If the Islamic leader's message spreads, violence in the region will intensify" , "Meteorologists announced that the heat wave may intensify in the coming days" .

Escalation of violence

The notion of resurgence, therefore, is associated with the resurgence of some kind of evil that seemed to be left behind . Let us suppose that two countries that are in conflict have been engaged in a war for years. In the last six months, however, the situation has been relatively calm, with no armed conflict. Until, when a bomb explodes in the territory of one of these nations , the war intensifies and fighting resumes. When the conflict intensifies, those violent scenes that seemed to have been overcome return.

One of the main reasons for violence between human beings is the rejection of differences, and this area includes race, religious beliefs and sexual orientation . Despite the tireless efforts of many activists around the world to stop attacks based on intolerance of diversity, the results are not always satisfactory, since ignorance and traditions are often stronger than the struggle to advance.

On the other hand, sometimes a period of violence is overcome, but then it becomes worse and fear strikes the people again. With regard to the three issues mentioned above, this relapse , so to speak, is common and, as with illnesses, it generates deep instability in people, since if the problem was thought to be solved, seeing its return threatens the feeling of security.


Adverse weather conditions can worsen and cause various problems.

The persistence of hatred

When hatred against a sector of the population is rooted in a culture, for different reasons, it is very difficult to end acts of violence, regardless of awareness campaigns and messages sent by the media to try to renew the way of thinking and the perception we have of others.

In the case of racism , for example, no matter how much space people of African origin have been given in all professional fields, contempt for the black race remains as alive as ever; actors, judges, doctors, teachers and the President of the United States himself, no recognition or fight for equality seems to be enough, as there are still individuals willing to kill someone based on the color of their skin.

The escalation of violence is also a frequent news item related to homophobia , a “more recent” problem than racism, or at least one that has begun to be given importance much later, and which also goes through ups and downs. After years of educating the population to understand that there is no difference between a heterosexual and a homosexual person, a series of murders motivated by discrimination can throw all efforts overboard and spread terror in a city, something that happens often.

Worsening conditions and crises

The climatic conditions of an area can also change and become more severe over time . In a region, winter may have started with temperatures around 5°, then continued with higher temperatures and finally, became more severe with days of temperatures below zero.

Crises (economic, health, environmental, etc.) become worse when they worsen after a period of recovery: "The fall in exports worsened the economic crisis" , "The ecological crisis in the delta worsened with the sinking of an oil tanker" .