Definition of



Recess is a period of rest and recreation.

Recess is a time of rest and entertainment . It is a break that is taken in the middle of obligations to relax and clear the mind.

For example: "I know there are only a few minutes until recess, but I need to go to the bathroom now," "During recess we usually play soccer or hide-and-seek," "The boss gave us some recess before the next meeting." .

school recess

In the educational field, recesses are the periods of entertainment and rest that exist between class hours. Let's look at a case : In a school Between 10:30 and 12 there are classes again and at 12 , another shorter break begins. Finally, from 12:15 to 2 p.m. the students take their last classes of the day . This means that between 10 and 10:30 and between 12 and 12:15 , students enjoy their breaks, being able to play, rest, eat, etc.

Outside the classroom there is an exchange between students in which teachers do not participate as directly, and this can be very beneficial for some, but also dangerous for those children who suffer school abuse . Recess is the moment in which there is no feeling that everything is orchestrated, but rather everyone is free to choose their own activities, although these must remain within the limits of the discipline imposed by each educational center.

Although it seems normal to take advantage of recess to practice reduced versions of a sport , usually soccer, rest from classes or eat, there are also those who want to use these minutes to talk and get closer to other people with similar interests through the Internet. word. Let's not forget that the vocation usually arises during the years of study, and that many children want to become writers, journalists or actors, for example, all activities that are not nourished by kicking a ball.


A home that is intended for the enjoyment of free time is called a recreation house.

The work break

In the work context, there are also breaks, although they are usually called by other names ( break , rest , etc.). Employers include these moments of rest so that workers can relax, eat, or go to the bathroom.

Fair working conditions include sufficient recreation time so that employees can clear their minds and adequately prepare to continue their duties; In fact, jobs characterized by long shifts require two or more breaks, although this is rarely observed in companies.

It is known that the secret of success is the fusion of several factors, which is why ability is not enough, but there must also be determination, inspiration and remuneration , among others. Companies that invest their resources in getting the right people but then do not take care of ensuring their well-being usually fail, since their workers are not 100% committed to corporate objectives.

Recess is not synonymous with laziness; On the contrary, for this moment of rest to exist, it must be enclosed in two more moments of work, physical or mental activity.

recreation house

It is known as a recreation house , on the other hand, to the residence that, far away from the city , serves as a place of recreation and pleasure. People who want to take a vacation can spend a few days at their vacation home.

The usual thing is that the recreation house, similar to that property that in other countries is called a country house , has a swimming pool , a garden to enjoy the outdoors and other amenities.