Definition of



The hidden is far away or remains hidden.

Recondito is an adjective from the Latin word reconditus . The term refers to that which is hidden, is far away or remains hidden . The hidden, in a certain way, is hidden.

For example: “The singer chose to spend his vacation in a remote place in Polynesia,” “The work made me very sensitive and brought out my deepest emotions,” “For hours, the young man walked through hidden passageways in search of his other half.” ” .

hidden places

The concept is usually used in relation to travel . Anyone who travels to a remote place must take a long journey to reach a destination that, in general, is usually little known or located in a very difficult place to access.

If a man wants to travel from Mexico to Lesotho , he can say that his intention is to go to a remote country: Lesotho is a nation of little importance on a global level, with a small territory and no popular attractions on an international level.


The hidden feelings remain locked in the being.

symbolic use of the notion

The hidden can also be symbolic . If someone talks about their hidden feelings , they will refer to the passions that remain locked deep within their being.

Hidden feelings, in this framework, are not easily expressed or manifested, but are repressed and only become present through great shock.

It can be stated, in short, that the hidden is something that is difficult to access . It is not always something far away : a home, for example, also has hidden places (recesses that cannot be easily cleaned, spaces that are near the ceiling, etc.).

"The Hidden Lake" from Pokémon

The Pokémon video game series enjoys incalculable international fame, and is one of the few that manages to maintain its success despite releasing new titles every year.

Two of these games, which represent two versions of a saga called "Mysterious World" and are titled "Explorers of Time" and "Explorers of Darkness" , take their players to visit a territory called "The Hidden Lake" , the which consists of 24 floors and has a treasure chamber in the last one.

The term in opera

In the field of opera , "Recondita Harmonia" is the title of the first romance of " Tosca" , one of the masterpieces of the Italian composer Giacomo Pucini . A romance is a fragment written for a single instrument, which is usually the voice, and which is characterized by its sentimental tone, its expressiveness and its melodic character.

“Recondita Harmonia” is one of the most outstanding pieces in the world of opera and represents a great challenge for tenors who embark on the legacy of Puccini , one of the most brilliant and demanding composers of all time. The character who sings it is Mario Cavaradossi , a painter, and he dedicates it to the beauty of the woman to whom his heart belongs, Tosca , while he is painting another woman at his workplace.

This work of works , which the great names of the lyric have made famous worldwide thanks to their incomparable timbres and their interpretive skills, has very simple but beautiful lines, in which Mario compares the beauty of the woman whom he is portraying with that of Tosca ; In an almost childish way, with a love that he cannot contain in his body, he describes his hair, his eyes (he mentions that Tosca 's are black, unlike his muse's, which are blue) and points out that art is capable of merging and confusing both beauties, although he assures that while he works on his portrait his mind only has space for his beloved.