Collection comes from the Latin recollectum and refers to the action and effect of collecting (gathering scattered things). For example: «Nico, proceed to collect the toys before your dad returns» , «In fifteen minutes I will start collecting the exams , so finish them» , «The waste collection is done between 10 pm and 5 hours» .
The term can also be used as a synonym for harvest , since this consists of the collection of fruits , seeds or vegetables when they have reached maturity. In this sense, the harvest represents the end of the cycle of a fruit: "The boss says that tomorrow we will start harvesting the strawberries," "My cousin traveled to New Zealand to work harvesting kiwis."
Although fruit picking is considered hard work and is generally associated with distant images of slavery, it currently represents an easy job opportunity for people who enjoy traveling to different parts of the world and do not have the economic means to settle comfortably in a city; In some countries, this type of job pays enough to support yourself with minimal expenses and is a good option to avoid forming ties that are difficult to break with a company.
Urban collection
The notion of urban collection is used to name the task carried out by people who search for useful goods in garbage containers. This expression is more linked to those who decide to rummage through the garbage out of curiosity or rebellion (since the practice is illegal in many countries), than to those who do it out of necessity (such as a garbage collector or a homeless person).
Due to various factors, among which the strong economic recession that has taken place worldwide cannot be discounted, more and more people are losing their homes and many are forced to check waste containers in search of food and items to sell, such as be cardboard. The image of someone collecting fruit and food scraps from the trash is very shocking for someone who has not had to suffer such a nightmare in their life, and that should spur a movement for change.
It is very easy to judge, but the real challenge is to put ourselves in the shoes of these people who have lost everything, and try to understand why they have reached this situation; Nowadays it is public knowledge that the origin or the degree of academic training does not matter, since many times the one who reaches the highest is the one who falls into the deepest well. We are used to seeing university degrees hanging in the homes of taxi drivers and street sweepers, and this does not necessarily represent a lack of talent.
The poor distribution of opportunities and the unnecessary cultural backwardness promoted by the lack of information about new professions and jobs are largely responsible for the bad decisions of many who, faced with the excessive demand for the profile they have chosen, are unable to take advantage of it. for what they have studied for so many years. In many cases, the unexpected loss of a good position in a company, on the other hand, becomes a misfortune by making it difficult to pay certain debts that are impossible to postpone, such as those arising from real estate mortgages.
Compendium or compilation
A collection can also be a compilation, compendium, or summary . The process of obtaining information that will later be used in an investigation is known as data collection .
"The boss left me in charge of collecting data through surveys" y "Heavy rains are complicating data collection, so the project is likely to be delayed for a few days" son frases que evidencian este uso.