Definition of



A receiver is a device that can receive a signal.

Before entering fully into establishing the meaning of the term receiver , we have to proceed to determine its etymological origin. Specifically, we can affirm that it derives from the Latin word for “receiver” as it is the result of the sum of the following elements:

-The prefix “re-”, which indicates repetition.

-The verb “capere”, which is synonymous with “capture”.

-The suffix “-tor”, which is used to indicate the person who performs an action.

Receiver is one or that who receives something . The verb receive , for its part, refers to obtaining, taking, assuming or assimilating something . For example: “We are incommunicado since the receiver is not working well” , “The receiver of the heart was an eight-year-old boy who lives in the country” , “The receiver did not have a good game and we ended up losing undefeated” .

Receiver in communications

In the field of communications , a receiver is the device or individual that receives a signal or message , sent by a transmitter or sender. The signs that the message carries must be decoded and interpreted by the receiver for their understanding. If we focus on technology, the receiver is the device that enables the capture and decoding of signals.

In this sector of communication and technology, there is also what is known as a satellite receiver . This is a device that is responsible for receiving and decoding the signals that arrive via satellite to a satellite dish in order to ensure that they reach the television and can be displayed in the appropriate way. It is important to say that these types of articles also proceed to receive and process both data and audio and not just images.

In this sense, a radio receiver is a device that captures signals in the form of electromagnetic waves, spread by an emitter. These waves are converted into sound that can be heard through a speaker or loudspeaker.


In baseball, the catcher is the defensive player who has to catch the ball sent by the pitcher.

The catcher

Within the field of baseball , the receiver or catcher is the athlete who, when defending, must receive the ball sent by the pitcher. To avoid damage to his body, the receiver uses a mitten, a mask and a helmet, among other implements that cover his body.

There are many receivers of this type who have managed to make history. However, among the most significant are Carlton Fisk, Mickey Cochrane, Roy Campanella, Katsuya Nomura, Michael Kelly, Buster Posey, Salvador Pérez or Iván Rodríguez. The latter is considered by many to be the best of all time.

Receptor in medicine and biology

In the field of medicine, it is also common to use the term in question, specifically within the field of organ donation . Thus, it is common for the word recipient to be used to refer to the person who receives an organ from a donor.

The notion of receptor is also used in various ways in the area of ​​biology . It may be a protein that allows certain substances to interact with metabolic processes ( cellular receptor ) or the nerve ending that captures a stimulus and transmits it so that a response is produced ( sensory receptor ), to name two cases.