Definition of



The idea of ​​overflowing is associated with the escape of a liquid from the container that contains it.

Overflowing is a term whose etymology takes us to the Latin language : reversāre . This verb can be translated as "return" or "turn around" and is made up of two different parts:

  • The prefix re- , which is equivalent to "backwards."
  • The supine of the verb vertere , which can be said to mean "to bend."

The concept is applied to refer to what happens when a liquid begins to come out of a container since it cannot contain it. In this way, the liquid escapes from its containment and spills over the top.

For example: "If you keep pouring wine into that glass, it will overflow," "When the juice in the jug overflowed, the liquid fell onto the table and dirty the tablecloth," "Be careful with the foam, which can cause the glass to overflow." beer" .

Concept of overflowing

The notion of overflowing can be applied to both the liquid and the container in question. It can be said, therefore, that the water "overflowed" from a glass or that the glass "overflowed" when the water began to spill.

By extension, the idea of ​​overflowing is used when there is a great abundance of something . It can be said that a person is "overflowing" with books if their library is no longer enough to house all the copies they have at home.

A space , on the other hand, is overflowing when it is filled with people and its capacity is full: "At this rate, the stadium is going to be overflowing before the game begins," "The theater will be overflowing with people when the singer comes on stage." .

In that case, the usual thing is to say that a specific place is full to the brim. An example of this meaning would be: "We couldn't finally enter the nightclub, it was packed to the brim because it was hosting the live performance of the fashionable group."

A person, likewise, can be overflowing when a feeling or emotion overwhelms them intensely: "Ricky is going to be overjoyed when he receives his gift," "Overflowing with happiness, the actress thanked him for the prize."

In the same way, we cannot forget that, although this meaning is now completely out of use, the verb rebosar has also been used for a long time as a synonym for vomiting .


Excessive patience means losing your cool.

End of patience

The term is also often used colloquially in the expression "overflowing with patience." This is an expression that is used to indicate that someone has a lot of patience and has endured certain circumstances for a long time but in the end he could not take it anymore and has reacted to them.

An example of this would be the following sentence: "Manuel has already run out of patience with his wife and has decided to separate, after putting up with her bad responses, her lack of affection and even her infidelities."

Overflow and batter

It is important not to confuse pouring with batter , which consists of covering something with a layer : "To coat the meat, use egg and breadcrumbs."

Those who carry out lisping or sising are those who may have difficulty using overflow and overflow or may use them correctly but mislead their interlocutors, who may understand one thing when in reality they have been told another.