Definition of

Augmented reality

Virtual and physical interaction

Augmented reality allows virtual elements to be included in the physical world.

Augmented reality is the system that enables the inclusion, in real time , of virtual elements within the physical universe . Using glasses or other special devices, a person can observe the real world with certain added elements, which appear on their lenses or screen as digital information.

It should be noted that there are multiple types of reality , depending on the way in which one analyzes events and makes the cut that determines what is real . Social reality , national reality , objective reality and virtual reality are some of them.

It can be said, in short, that the real is that which has authentic or true existence , unlike that which belongs to the realm of imagination or fantasy. Reality, therefore, is the set of real events. Although, as we said above, this set can be “constituted” in different ways.

Origin of augmented reality

The origin of augmented reality is found at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century . And it was, specifically, in 1962 when a director of photography named Morton Heilig created a simulator that included not only images and sound but also smells and vibrations. It was Sensorama .

In the same way, we cannot ignore that we would have to wait until the 90s for that term to be coined. Exactly that happened in 1992 at the hands of Tom Caudell .

System operation

Augmented reality glasses or glasses combine a camera , a screen and different types of sensors . Thus, when a person directs his gaze (and glasses) towards a hotel, for example, various data that arrives through the Internet appear before his eyes: guest comments about the establishment, rates, etc. This is possible since the camera captures the hotel and the augmented reality system “recognizes” it, offering linked information that is considered of interest to the user.

The concept of augmented reality, therefore, refers to an increase in the information that a human being can obtain for himself when interacting with the physical world. The system provides more data than can be recorded through the senses.


Glasses are essential in augmented reality.

Augmented reality in tourism

Although there is still much to advance and improve, augmented reality is already being used a lot in different areas of today's world . In one way or another, this technology is already used in fields such as education, emergency health services, television, simulation , military services, prospecting, industrial applications and tourism.

Precisely in this last case it must be said that there are already diverse projects, applications and software that have been shaped to ensure that visitors who arrive to a city or a specific monument can learn endless data through augmented reality. of interest about them and can obtain useful information to move around the city in question.

Likewise, augmented reality is also being used in the field of architecture and even in navigation systems.