Definition of

Company name

Formal name

The company name is mainly used in administrative and legal contexts.

The company name is the name by which a company is collectively known. This is an official and legal name that appears in the documentation that allowed the legal entity in question to be established.

For example: «Hermanos Gómez y Ripoldi SRL is the company name of the company that makes Golorico chocolates» , «Please find out what the company name is to send it a document letter» , «We are going to change the company name , but not the trademark .

Through this name the commercial company is known; It is its legal attribute, which will appear in the deed or document recording its creation. This document allows the identification of both the legal entity and the members of the company and provides security regarding its legality. The company name is used at a formal, administrative and legal level .

To better understand the concept, we can compare the name of a person with that of a company . This is an attribute that allows us to distinguish some individuals from others and gives us an identity. For a company, in the same way, the company name will allow it to be legally differentiated from the rest.

Thus, a natural person has a name (for example, "Pedro Domínguez" ), which is his own and which appears on his national identity document. In the case of legal entities (also known as legal entities), they may have a fantasy name (such as "Alfajores Rico" ) and a company name ( "Alfarrico SA" ).

Differences from the brand or fantasy name

It is necessary to clarify that the company name differs from the fantasy or brand name. The latter is what allows the company to be identified in the market . This is the name that consumers generally know. The brand should be chosen with simplicity in mind; That is, it must be easy to remember and must at the same time inspire confidence. At this point it can be said that many times the fantasy name differs profoundly from the company name of a company.


It is important to differentiate between the company name and the fantasy name of a company.

In this way, the company name is used when completing a document (such as the salary receipt given to an employee or the issuance of a bank check) or participating in a legal process . In this sense, and continuing with the previous example, a trial would be carried out against "Alfarrico SA" , and not against "Alfajores Rico" , since the name that matters at the judicial or administrative level is the company name.

The process of registering a company name is very rigorous; Compliance with a series of rules is required and because of this it is very difficult for plagiarism to occur, since all procedures are strictly reviewed.

In what areas is the company name used?

As we have already said, the company name is the name used to carry out procedures in a company. In it, the partners ' data must be included, so that it is completely distinguished; In the event that the names of all of them do not appear, the ending "company" or one of its equivalents must be added. This is stipulated in Article 27 of the General Law of Commercial Companies.

The company name will identify the company in three areas: formal, legal and administrative . Regarding the name, it is the name that a company uses to register in the Public Registry of Property and Commerce, to carry out all relevant procedures. In any case, it is necessary to clarify that this figure differs from the company name, in that it does not necessarily have to include the name of any of the partners ; In general, what is referred to in the name is the economic activity carried out.