Definition of


electromagnetic waves

X-rays are electromagnetic waves that are used to make a photographic print.

X-rays are electromagnetic waves emitted by the internal electrons of an atom . Due to their characteristics, X-rays are able to pass through different bodies and achieve a photographic impression .

It should be noted that ray is a concept that has its origin in radĭus , a Latin word. The concept is used to name the line that originates in the space where a certain type of energy is generated and that extends in the same direction to which the energy in question propagates.

X-ray concept

The concept of Given the lack of knowledge about their nature and the way in which they were produced, he decided to call them X-rays .

X-rays have energy capable of ionizing the atoms of matter , something that allows them to be used for different purposes. The most common use is in the medical field to obtain internal images of the human body .


Radiology is the technique that is based on the use of x-rays to produce x-rays.

Generation and use

When a beam of high-energy electrons hits a metallic target, the electromagnetic radiation from the charge generates X-rays . There are, however, various methods to obtain X-rays from different types of radiation .

Traditionally, photographic films were used to capture and record X-rays . Currently, however, technology allows the image generated by X-rays to be viewed directly on a computer, generating digital information.

Various characteristics of X-rays

In addition to everything stated above, it is worth knowing other interesting information about X-rays :

  • Its discoverer, who took his wife's hand with the wedding ring among his first x-rays, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for his work.
  • X-rays are absolutely invisible to the human eye.
  • Currently they are used not only within the field of medicine but also in other fields such as art. Thus, for example, they are increasingly used to detect flaws in certain materials and even to thoroughly analyze certain paintings or sculptures.
  • Among the scientists who developed, improved and internationalized its applications are Max von Laue (1879-1960), Paul P. Ewald (1888-1985) and William H. Bragg (1862-1942) together with his son William L. Bragg ( 1890-1971).
  • At a medical level, they are most commonly used to detect possible bone fractures, detect diseases such as pneumonia and even diagnose breast cancer.


The discipline whose purpose is the production of radiographs (images of the body obtained from the use of X-rays ) is known as radiology .

Using this technique ,