Definition of



A rat is a rodent.

The rat is a mammalian animal that measures about thirty centimeters and weighs about three hundred grams. It is a rodent : it has long incisor teeth that do not stop growing and that, therefore, make the animal have to gnaw (wearing them out when using them with hard objects).

The long tail, the body covered with gray hair, the pointed snout and the rigid ears are other characteristics of the rat, which has two short front legs and two longer rear legs.

The rat as a pest

Due to their fecundity and ability to adapt, rats are present almost all over the world. This animal is usually considered a pest since it destroys crops and can transmit serious diseases to humans.

In cities, rats usually feed on food discarded by man and insects. In rural environments, it is common for them to eat roots, vegetables, birds and small mammals . There are species of rats that even resort to cannibalism, eating each other.

Although humans try to chase, catch and exterminate rats, they are highly agile animals that can sneak and hide in small holes. They can climb vertical walls, jump great distances, dig and even swim. They are also able to orient themselves in the dark.


While rats are considered a pest in the Western world, in Eastern countries they are valued animals.

Its importance in the Chinese calendar

Although in the West the rat is an animal that is persecuted and identified for its negative aspects, this is not the case in certain places in the East .

A good example of this is that it is part of the Chinese calendar, where it is associated with really positive values ​​such as intelligence, wealth, order, cunning and even charisma. However, it is also true that, in the same way, it is sometimes linked to other less optimal issues such as war or obscurantism.

Rats in show business

Within the world of cinema and television , for example, rats have become animals with a certain prominence. A good example of this can be seen in the cartoon series “Ninja Turtles” , where the teacher of these is none other than a very wise rat who responds to the name of Splinter or Sliver .

In the same way, one of the most important animated films of recent years, in terms of success, is Ratatouille” , which tells the story of a rat who dreams of becoming a great chef . That will lead him to establish an agreement with a clumsy teenager named Alfredo , so that both can achieve their dreams at Gusteau's Restaurant .

Other uses of the term

In the same way, we cannot ignore that there are other meanings of the term at hand. Thus, for example, it is also used to refer to a ponytail with little hair and that is small and even to a type of pocket that a dress may have.

When the notion of a rat is applied to an individual, they are being described as greedy or even a bad person : “Don't be a rat, the ticket to the concert only costs fifty pesos,” “I recommend not hanging out with Miguel: he is a real rat.” ” .