Definition of


RansomwareA ransomware is a type of malware : that is, malicious or malicious software . It is a computer program that, when infecting a computer, prevents its normal use or restricts access to documents , demanding payment to restore normal operation.

Typically, the user installs the ransomware without realizing it by following a misleading link that appears on a website or in an email . Once installed, this program can encrypt files or even lock your screen .

With the infection already produced, the ransomware creator demands a "ransom" to free the system . The amount requested usually depends on the consequences of the attack: if the ransomware causes financial losses to a company, for example, a lot of money may be requested.

The first cases linked to ransomware date back to 2005 . Many times criminals resort to fake messages posing as recognized companies, encouraging users to click on a link. Whoever falls into the trap ends up installing the ransomware.

Computer security specialists highlight the importance of prevention to prevent ransomware from affecting computers. This is relevant since, even if the user ends up paying what is asked of them, nothing ensures that they will regain complete control and access to their system.

Experts recommend using a firewall when browsing the Internet and having a reliable and updated antivirus . On the other hand, they suggest not opening suspicious emails or accessing potentially dangerous websites .

RansomwareOf course, these and other security measures are only sustained if none of the people with access to the data betray the rest and become involved in the kidnapping. In a company where many employees work, it is very difficult to control everyone's behavior to ensure that no one breaches their confidentiality obligations. In particular, it becomes difficult to maintain order without making them feel that you do not trust them, since this feeling can considerably undermine the worker's performance and respect for the company.

When ransomware hits large software development companies, the consequences of not meeting the criminals' requirements can be the exposure of the source code of a future product, or even a series of projects that the victim did not even know about. spoken publicly. Needless to say, in a world where piracy is so widespread, an attack of this nature can result in a considerable decrease in sales.

Something that ransomware attacks have in common with the kidnappings of people or animals is that they cannot be isolated from other events and factors that take place around them, such as the degree of visibility that criminals give to the event, the data that have been illegally copied and the potential harm to the victim. For example, the same source code hijacking can lead to two very different situations if the criminal communicates only with his victim or if he decides to make his actions public.

This last tactic usually puts more pressure on the other party, as it becomes a more realistic threat . For now, if the public finds out about the theft, a complementary tension begins on the part of those people who, despite the situation being a crime, want the data to be published in order to access it; In the case of a video game, for example, it is common for alternative versions created by fans who modify the code to emerge from these leaks.