Definition of



A branch is an extension that emerges from a stem or trunk.

Branches are the extensions that arise from a stem or trunk . Flowers , fruits and leaves are born from them. For example: “I would like to reach those branches to grab some oranges,” “The wind tore off several branches from the tree that is located in front of the school,” “Look! There is a cat resting on a branch of the lemon tree .

It can be said that a branch is a structure that starts from the main body of the tree or plant in question. Despite having a certain bending capacity, branches can break when subjected to a significant force, detaching from the trunk or stem .

Symbolic use of the term branch

The notion of branch also has several symbolic uses. It may be something that is secondary to something central , from which it comes or emanates: “Criminal law is the branch of law that interests me the most,” “This branch of science requires many years of study,” “I am studying a degree in Communication Sciences, but I have not yet chosen which branch I am going to specialize in.”

The expression “beating around the bush,” on the other hand, refers to the tendency or habit of a person who, when referring to a topic, begins to mention issues related to another topic , deviating from the main point. It can be said that the main topic is equivalent to the trunk, while the secondary topic, which it begins to talk about, is a branch. “Going off the beaten path,” in short, represents a deviation from the main theme that was being referred to.


In Hinduism, Rama is an avatar of Vishnu.

a hindu god

Rama is also the name given to an avatar of Vishnu , a god of the Hindu religion. His birth took place in India and his objective was to free his land from the oppression to which the demon known as Ravana subjected it. It is worth mentioning that currently, Rama enjoys more popularity than any other god in his country.

According to the Garuda-purana , one of the works that make up the smriti texts, the set of sacred books of Hinduism, Rama should be the seventh avatar of Vishnu , although a thousand years later, according to the Bhagavata-purana , his position passed to be the eighteenth.

It is important to note that for Hinduism , the concept of avatar represents the incarnation of a god on Earth , more precisely Vishnu . Other religions also use the term for similar purposes; A clear example is those that adhere to dharmic traditions, which use it to describe characters such as Jesus Christ .

The appearance of the god Rama is very striking from a Western point of view, since he is represented with green or blue skin, dressed in yellow clothing and with his hair tied in a bun (also called a bun), in the style of the ascetics. He usually has a bow in one hand, while with the other he makes the gesture that promises protection (the mudra ).

The pronunciation of the name Rama

Regarding the pronunciation of the name Rama , in Sanskrit it should be stressed as a sharp word ( /ramá/ ), while in Bengali, Hindi, Marathi and Hurdu, among other languages ​​currently spoken in India , the sound resembles /ram/ , removing the last vowel. Its etymology takes us back to a term that can be translated as " pleasure ".

The Hindu religion also recognizes other names for the Rama avatar, which are as follows: Ramachandra (the second part, chandra , can be translated as "moon" in ancient Sanskrit); Rághava (he is the descendant of the ancient king Raghú ); Raghúpati (refers to the dynasty of said king); Raja Rama (pronounced /rayarrám/ , can be translated as "king Rama" ); Sitapati (talks about the bond with Sita , his wife); Dasarathi (son of Dasarath , a king); and Dasaratha-suta (son of King Dasarath ).