Definition of


CruxQuid is a term of Latin origin that refers to the essence . The quid is the most relevant or the cause of something.

For example: “I still can't figure out the crux of the matter” , “The crux of the accusation is that the president set up an illegal spy system to control his political adversaries” , “For some readers, discovering the crux of the work may be somewhat complicated” .

We can find the word quid in Latin expressions that are also used in our language . The best-known expression is quid pro quo , which can be translated as “something in exchange for something” .

The idea of ​​quid pro quo is often used to refer to something that replaces a similar or equivalent element . It also refers to something that is received as compensation .

In a negotiation, the goal is to achieve a quid pro quo. Each party gives something up and an agreement or transaction can be reached. Let's suppose that a teenager tries to get his parents' permission to go on a trip with his friends. The parents, faced with this approach, tell him that they will give him permission as long as he passes his exams at school. As you can see, the quid pro quo in this case involves giving permission in exchange for good academic performance.

The confusion that occurs when one thing is mistaken for another, or one individual for another, can also be related to the expression quid pro quo. This is a common resource in the theatre .

Quid divinum , finally, is associated with the inspiration of a genius : “Once again, the pianist demonstrated the quid divinum of the great masters” , “The footballer brought out the quid divinum and decided the match in favour of his team” .

CruxOn the other hand, we have the term quiddidad , which came to Spanish as a translation of the Latin quidditas (also known as quiditas ). In both cases, its origin is quid , as an interrogative pronoun that in Latin is used for the questions "what thing?" or "what is it?", and that can also be understood simply as " something " if used in an indeterminate way. In short, quiddidad is the essence that derives from the very definition of things, that is, from the answer to the previous questions.

QUID stands for Quasi Universal Intergalactic Denomination , the first currency created for use in outer space . It was announced to the public in October 2007 and was designed by a UK currency exchange company in collaboration with the National Space Centre and the University of Leicester.

The aim of the QUID currency is to provide a fast and secure means of payment in the context of space tourism , any tourist activity that takes place at an altitude of more than 100 kilometres, the distance from which we are considered to enter space. Although this is not yet possible or common, there are many projects that revolve around these plans, including the manufacture of accommodation and vehicles.

One of the reasons why it would be necessary to use a specific currency in space is that the magnetic strips on credit cards and banknotes can be damaged by radiation. It would also be dangerous if metal coins were lost and left floating around. Not to mention that communicating with financial institutions to obtain authorization for payment would not be very easy at such a distance from Earth.