Definition of



A burner is something that enables combustion or that burns.

Burner is a term that comes from cremator , a Latin word. The concept can be used as an adjective to describe what burns or as a noun to refer to a device that promotes the combustion of some element .

Burners, therefore, can be devices used to burn some fuel , generating heat . Depending on the characteristics of the burner, gaseous, liquid or mixed fuel may be used (using both). There are burners, for example, that use fuel, propane , butane and other fuels.

A gas stove or heater has burners that allow you to light a flame and, in this way, produce heat for heating. If any burner stops working, whether due to being blocked or for another reason, the stove in question will generate less heat and, therefore, reduce its ability to heat a room .

The kitchens ( ovens ) also have burners or stoves. In this case, the burners are used to cook food through flames. These flames are adjustable, and the intensity can be increased or reduced.

Types of burners

It is important to know that, in addition to everything stated above, there are basically two types of burners:

  • Modulating , which, as its name indicates, is characterized by the fact that it allows the power to be graduated or modulated through the use of an electronic system. In this way, this power can be perfectly adapted to the needs that exist at any given time, in terms of heat.
  • Of stages . This type of burner is identified because it allows the flame to acquire several different sizes, which means that it passes more or less amount of fuel. As a general rule, the most common are those that have three (all-half-nothing) or four stages (all-2/3-half-nothing).

Kitchens or ovens have burners for cooking food.

Biomass utilization

Currently, those known as biomass burners have gained special prominence, which are installed in different types of boilers or stoves that run on fuel that is organic waste.

The advantage of these burners is that they significantly improve combustion, making it easier to clean the device and specifically the remains of ash. These types of burners can perform their tasks with both pellets and olive pits, nut shells such as almonds, cherry pits or even pineapples, among other waste.

Other uses of the term burner

It must be stated that the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) establishes that, although it is no longer in use, the term burner was also used to refer to that person who, with absolute premeditation, proceeded to set fire to the spaces or elements that they came to his liking.

Burner is also the name given to devices and computer programs that allow information to be recorded on a DVD or CD . What a burner makes possible, in this sense, is to copy digital data to one of the aforementioned media.

In Mexico , finally, a type of worm that is covered by hairs capable of irritating the skin of anyone who comes into contact with it is known as a burner. Burner worms, due to this particularity, cause injuries to those who touch them.