Definition of


celestial body

A quasar is a type of celestial body.

Quasar is a notion used in astronomy to name a certain type of celestial body , characterized by being the type of star that is furthest away in the universe .

Small in size, quasars stand out for their emission of radiation at all frequencies and for their significant luminosity . This allows them to be observed, despite the enormous distance that separates quasars from our planet .

Scientific knowledge about quasars changes as new discoveries are made. It is currently believed that quasars can release a level of energy similar to the sum of energy released by more than a hundred medium-sized galaxies . The luminosity of a quasar, for its part, is equivalent to a billion suns .

Characteristics of a quasar

In addition to everything stated above, it is worth knowing other aspects of interest about these elements, among which we would highlight the following:

  • At the moment, quasars are considered to be the most luminous objects that exist in our entire universe. Specifically, the most luminous of all is the one that belongs to the constellation of Virgo .
  • Among the many investigations and studies carried out, one work maintains that quasars have heavier elements than, for example, helium.
  • One of the many existing theories about these unique components of the universe states that they "feed" on supermassive black holes.
  • It is considered that quasars were discovered in the 1950s. It was in the final stretch of the 1950s that Allan R. Schmidt encountered the first.
  • The term quasar as we now use it is a concept created by the American astrophysicist Hong-Yee Chiu . This scientist, of Chinese origin, was the one who coined that word in 1964 .
  • In the 1980s, quasars occupied the work of many scientists who, at that time, came to speak of them as if they were active galaxies.
  • Among the most exhaustive, interesting and significant recordings and snapshots of quasars that have been carried out so far, those undertaken using three telescopes stand out: the Submillimeter Telescopte ( Arizona ), the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment ( Chile ) and the Submillimeter Array. ( Hawaii ).

Quasars stand out for their luminosity.

The observation

Scientists have discovered, so far, about two hundred thousand quasars . The one closest to our planet is no less than 780 million light years away.

Thanks to radiation at different frequencies, quasars are observed in different places on the electromagnetic spectrum : X-rays , gamma rays , ultraviolet rays , etc.

Different graphs of quasar

It should be noted that we can find the term quasar written in different ways. Mentioned as quasar , it refers to the original English term.

It can also be indicated as quasar or even as quasar , according to changes that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) accepted in recent years so that words beginning with Q begin to be written with C.