Definition of


skin swelling

A pustule is a swelling of the skin caused by an accumulation of pus.

A pustule is a swelling that occurs in the skin due to the accumulation of pus . The Latin word pustula gave rise to this term frequently used in the field of medicine .

Pustules are part of what is known as primary efflorescence , which encompasses various alterations that occur in the epidermis . In this case, these are holes in the skin that are filled with pus.

The appearance of a pustule can be due to various reasons. The most common is acne , a disease that is caused by the action of a bacteria that infects the tissue. Pustules caused by acne usually appear during adolescence due to hormonal imbalances. Although these pustules do not cause major health problems and usually disappear spontaneously over time, they can cause social problems and trauma to adolescents who become self-conscious about skin lesions.

malignant pustule

It is known as malignant pustule , carbuncle or anthrax , on the other hand, a contagious disease. It is responsible for a bacteria called Bacillus anthracis, which in most cases produces pustules, but can also cause intestinal disorders and lung problems.

This disease is acute and serious and its targets include all homeotherms (living beings that maintain their body temperature between two limits independent of the temperature of the environment), a group that includes human beings. Its consequences vary according to the mode of infection and the point at which treatment begins; Generally, their mortality rate is not high. When it attacks the lungs ( pulmonary anthrax ), on the other hand, it is usually lethal.

Treatment of malignant pustule usually begins with high doses of antibiotics. When the infection occurs through inhalation, it is common to combine two types of antibiotics until certain progress is achieved and it is possible to continue, for example, with corticosteroids.


Acne causes pustules to appear.


Folliculitis is the inflammation of one or more hair follicles, the parts of the skin in which hair can grow, thanks to its concentration of stem cells. This disorder can occur anywhere on the body and among its most common causes is the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, also associated with boils and abscesses.

The onset of folliculitis usually occurs after obstruction caused by shaving, damage caused by friction with clothing, or hairstyles that are too tight and too close to the scalp.

Some of the symptoms of folliculitis are the following:

  • Pustules or pimples that surround the affected hair follicle, which usually appear in the groin or armpits and can form scabs around them.
  • Itching of the skin.
  • Rash.

Regarding the treatment of this inflammation associated with the appearance of pustules on the skin, it is usually resorted to: topical antibiotics, such as neomycin or mupirocin (it is worth mentioning that if its indication is inappropriate, folliculitis can spread throughout almost the entire body ); topical antiseptic, which works in most cases; low-spectrum penicillins , such as flucloxacin (in the United Kingdom) and dicloxacillin (in North America).

Another meaning of the term pustule

Outside the sphere of medicine and dermatology, we speak of pustule in reference to certain protuberances that appear on seashells .

These pustules are generated by the accumulation of calcite , a mineral whose chemical formula is CaCO3 . According to marine biologists, pustules appear at the end of the calcification process.