Definition of

Point and followed


The full stop allows you to differentiate sentences in a paragraph.

Among the multiple meanings of the term period , its use as a sign in writing appears. In this case, points are essential to develop the punctuation of a text.

Points allow you to indicate the end of a statement or make an abbreviation . In some nations, they are even used to distinguish between the whole part and the fractional elements of a figure (in the same way that, in other countries , the comma is used).

Concept of point and followed

This means, therefore, that there are different types of points according to their function. The full stop is used when you want to separate statements that are part of the same paragraph . This point does not therefore mark the end of the paragraph, but only distinguishes between its sentences.

After the dot and followed, the text must continue on the same line , starting with a capital letter. If the period and followed by it coincide with the end of a line, the paragraph will continue below, without spaces remaining.


Thanks to the use of the full stop and other punctuation marks, the structuring of a text is clearer.

An example

In every text it is possible to find examples of full stop, even in this same article where we are developing the definition of the concept. But let's look at a specific case so that the idea is understood more precisely:

“Juan has been my friend for twenty years. However, there are times when I don't understand the things he says. "It surprises me how someone so intelligent can express himself in that way.".

In that example , there are two periods followed by: the one that appears after the word “years” , at the end of the first sentence, and the period that follows “says” .

Period and followed in colloquial language

It must be stated that not only is period and followed as a punctuation mark as is, but it is also used within the most colloquial language. In that case, it is used to express that a specific matter has not come to an end but rather what has concluded has been an exact part of it.

Thus, for example, the following example can be used: “Full stop in the trial against the thief. After the statements of all the witnesses, it is seen for sentencing.” In this way, it is expressed that what would be the interventions of the witnesses has been put to an end, but the trial continues because the time has come for the judge to analyze the evidence and testimonies to establish the innocence or guilt of the accused.

A citizen initiative

It should not be overlooked either that “Punto y seguir” is, in addition, the title of a citizen collaboration initiative that is proposed with a single objective: that people who are aware of the actions of individuals who, through torture, violence or oppression, are violating human rights, make this known in an absolutely anonymous manner. Thus, those responsible for the initiative will acknowledge what is “reported”, take the appropriate measures so that it can be investigated, and will raise the case to the relevant authorities.

Specifically, among the causes that have had a place in “Punto y seguir” is the Argentine complaint filed against the crimes committed by the Franco regime.