Definition of


Bladed weapon

A dagger is a knife.

Dagger is an adjective that, in ancient times, was used to name something that fit into a fist . Over time, however, the term became a noun referring to a bladed weapon ; that is, weapons with a point or edge, capable of hurting with punctures or cuts.

A dagger, therefore, is a weapon made of steel that hurts thanks to its tip . This means that the dagger sticks into the animal or human being that is intended to be harmed.

Characteristics of daggers

The daggers are usually about eight inches long. Its blade cannot be folded, a characteristic that forces the individual carrying it to take certain precautions when transporting it to avoid accidents. Other similar bladed weapons, such as knives , however, can be folded.

There are different types of daggers. They are generally used on expeditions, for defensive purposes: if the person encounters a wild animal, they will be able to repel an eventual attack. Daggers are also often part of a soldier's equipment, as they are useful in hand-to-hand combat.


A knife attack can be lethal.

The punctures

Wounds and cuts caused by a knife or other sharp object, such as a nail or even a tooth, are considered punctures . The laceration , for its part, is an opening or break that occurs in the skin , and can be jagged, smooth or deep; If its scope is considerable , it can affect ligaments, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerves and even bone tissue .

The main symptoms of a wound of this type are intense pain, disorders in sensitivity or function of the affected area and bleeding. A knife cut can lead to an infection, in the same way as stings or bites from certain animals (or people, as the case may be), crush damage, wounds that are not cleaned or treated in the appropriate manner and in the appropriate time. .

Regarding how to proceed in the event of profuse bleeding , it is recommended to immediately call the emergency number so that a professional can treat the wound . For minor cuts, it is always possible to act independently, although it is important to take into account the following considerations:

  • Before touching the affected area, wash your hands thoroughly, preferably with an antibacterial product.
  • Next, use a mild soap to wash the wound.
  • Stop the bleeding by pressing directly on the cut area.
  • Spread an antibacterial preparation and bandage the wound with a non-stick material.

For minor punctures , the considerations are similar, except for the following points:

  • Let the water run for a minimum of 5 minutes on the wound, and only then use a mild soap to complete the wash.
  • Look carefully inside the wound to look for foreign objects or remains of the weapon (this does not happen in the case of a dagger). If you find anything, it is recommended to call or go to the emergency room .
  • Professional help should also be sought if nothing is found on the skin but a piece of the weapon is missing.

Washing the wound, therefore, is a fundamental step; It should not be overlooked simply because it is considered clean or because no remains of the weapon can be seen inside.

Dagger in Dominican Republic

Puñal is also the name given to a municipality in the province of Santiago , in the Dominican Republic . It is located in the eastern region of Santiago and has an area of ​​just over 63 kilometers .

Until 2006 , Puñal was considered a rural section: in that year, it was declared a municipality. According to the latest statistical data, its population is close to 50,000 inhabitants .