Definition of



A workplace is a physical space where a person carries out a work activity.

Position is a concept with very varied meanings. Its etymological origin takes us to the Latin postus and a conjugation of the verb to put . The term put, therefore, can be used to name something that has been done, decided or concretized , or the action of leaving, supporting or keeping something . For example: “I have put a lot of effort into this project” , “Don't you remember where you put the keys?” , “We have put money so that the company can move forward.”

A post can also be a physical place occupied by a person or an institution , or intended for a certain activity: “At the Gendarmerie post they recommended that we use chains on the tires since there is a lot of snow on the road” , “They finish about opening a new clothing stand in the shopping center” , “Please give me the report at my workplace: it's the one next to the window” .

Trading and other stalls

In this sense, we can say that it is common to talk about stalls when a fair is held and “little shops” of all kinds are set up in its premises: for food, for games, for the sale of accessories...

Likewise, it must be stated that the stalls in the markets also take on special prominence. Thus, whether they have a building that shelters them or if they take place outdoors, they have stores of various types so that anyone can buy the products they need: fruit, meat, fish, cheese, vegetables...

All this without forgetting the existence of what is known as a checkpoint . This is a space where several people, who belong to a State Security body or a security team, are in charge of inspecting the vehicles and individuals that pass through it. Specifically, there are places of this type mainly in customs as well as in military barracks.


In some contexts, position is equivalent to position: first place, second place, etc.

a charge

A position , a job or a function can be called a position.

“Among the obligations inherent to my position are controlling the quality of the merchandise and communicating with suppliers”, “The manager announced that there is a position available in the maintenance area” y “I never thought I would get this position.” son frases que reflejan esta acepción.

More uses of the term post

Within the hunting world, the term stall is also used. In this case, it is used to refer to the place, hidden with stones and branches, in which the hunter hides with the clear objective of not being seen by his prey and thus being able to shoot him calmly.

At a symbolic level, a position is a position that an individual, a group of people or an entity occupy in a certain ranking or list. This use of the concept is frequent in sport : “The Ferrari driver managed to advance eight places in the first twenty laps of the race” , “The coach assured that the team's objective is to finish ahead of fifth place” , “With the defeat ", the capital club lost two places in the standings."

In a very colloquial way, in Spain it is also said that someone is “high” when it is considered that the way they behave and the way they look indicates that they have taken some drug, be it alcohol or any type of narcotic.