Definition of

Technological project


A technological project aims to improve the quality of life.

A project , from the Latin proiectus , is a plan composed of interrelated activities and initiatives that must be carried out in a coordinated manner to achieve an objective.

Technological , for its part, is that linked to technology (the application of skills and technical knowledge to satisfy a need or solve a problem). In its case, this word derives from Greek, since it is the sum of “tekhné”, which can be translated as “art” or “technique”, and “logos”, which is synonymous with “study”.

A technological project , therefore, is a plan whose purpose is to promote the development or modification of a product, a service or a process , with the objective that its effect is an improvement in the quality of life. It is common to associate this type of project with computing or electronics, although the idea of ​​technology is broader.

Stages or phases of a technological project

Technological projects are developed in various stages. The project arises when a need is noticed and an idea is proposed to satisfy said need. From this, the project is designed and its management is organized. Finally, the project is executed and then comes the time for the corresponding evaluation to determine if, in fact, the project managed to satisfy the need detected at its inception.

Specifically, some scholars of the subject establish that the phases for carrying out a technological project are these:

-The perception and definition of the problem itself.

-The design of the proposals that can be used as an alternative to solve that problem.

-The organization and management of relevant work.

-The implementation of the different and necessary models, after the corresponding planning.

-The evaluation of the project itself and, of course, its improvement when necessary.

smart city

The development of smart cities is a common technological project worldwide.

The example of a library

Let's take the case of a library that manages the loan of books through printed files. This means that, every time a person comes looking for a work, the librarian must manually review the files until she finds the file for the book in question.

To facilitate the task, the library director makes the decision to create a digital database . In this way, the technological project consists of creating one entry per book in the database so that searches can be carried out on a computer, obtaining a result instantly.

A common technological project today: the creation of smart cities

Currently, taking into account that technology is increasingly being used to improve many aspects of our lives, if not all, technological projects are being carried out to convert cities into what has been called smart cities , that is, smart cities .

In this sense, what is done is from installing public lighting that is much more efficient, respectful of the environment and that uses less energy, to the development of intelligent irrigation systems in gardens and parks, through the creation of applications that facilitate neighbors being able to be attended to in different areas. Of course, without forgetting traffic management, the implementation of ecological public transport services, the management of urban waste and even access to the so-called e-administration.