Definition of



A greengrocer can provide raw materials to a restaurant.

Provide is a notion that has its etymological origin in the Latin word providere . It is a verb that generally refers to supplying, providing or granting what is needed for something.

For example: “The municipality promised to provide accommodation to the students invited to the event” , “We are going to provide food and drinking water to the victims of the earthquake” , “We have to define who is going to provide us with thermal clothing for the journey” .

There are companies and people who are dedicated to providing various products or raw materials to companies that need them to carry out their activity. Those who provide the inputs are known as suppliers .

Examples of provide

Take the case of a restaurant . Among its suppliers are a greengrocer (which is responsible for providing the vegetables and fruits used to prepare the dishes), a soda or soft drink distributor , a winery and a butcher shop . Thanks to the work of these suppliers, the restaurant has what it needs to function.

It is important to note that providing is not always linked to supplying something physical. It can be said, to cite one possibility, that a communication protocol is responsible for providing the components of a network with the information they need to communicate with each other. This information is not material or concrete, but is constituted digitally.

In some cases, therefore, physical objects and non-material data are provided simultaneously. If a traveler enters a tourist office looking for assistance , this place can provide brochures and maps, but also advice on what tours to take.


Providing information may imply the provision of something symbolic, without a physical correlate.

An obligation of parents or guardians

Another context in which this verb is used a lot without a material connotation is in the relationship between adults and children in society , when talking about the responsibility of the former to provide the latter with the necessary tools for their correct and healthy development . One of the basic commitments during parenting is to give the little ones the opportunity to study, since training is the key that opens the most doors in this world.

The education that we must provide to children does not always require a monetary investment , and that is why it should not be considered something exclusive to a particular social class; Good examples, such as compassion, respect for others and for oneself, loyalty and a sense of responsibility, are all lessons that should be taught more often and are better learned in the intimacy of a family group than in the classroom. rigidity of the educational system.

Provide and foresee

Spelling and grammatical errors, in addition to misconceptions regarding semantics, are an essential part of language use that, despite the complications they bring in communication, also serve to help shape the language as they reveal the needs and tendencies of its speakers. A clear example of incorrect use of language is found in the confusion that exists between the words provide and foresee ; Many people write and pronounce the latter with two e's after the v , overlooking its relationship with the verb see .

As expected, the doubling of the last e brings with it a series of conjugation errors. Needless to say, this cannot happen if both verbs are learned correctly from the beginning, since their forms are considerably different. To check this, just compare some of the conjugations: "provided" and "foresaw" , in the third person singular of the past perfect simple of the indicative mood; "we would provide" and "we would provide" , in the first person plural of the past imperfect subjunctive.