Definition of



A bump is a swelling, bump, or protrusion.

Protuberance is a term that comes from the Latin word protuberantia . It is a protrusion , a relief , a turgidity or a swelling .

For example: "The doctor suggested that I do a study to analyze the lump that appeared on my neck," "This lump is testimony to the blow I received last night," "Toys with lumps are somewhat dangerous: they can hurt little ones." while they play .

It is important to keep in mind that, in certain cases, the bumps that appear on the body are consequences of health disorders that require medical attention, such as a tumor .

The annular protuberance

The region of the brainstem that, located between the midbrain and the medulla oblongata, allows the connection of the latter and the spinal cord with the cerebellum , the cerebral hemispheres and other structures, is known as the annular pons .

Also called the pons , the annular pons is the most prominent area of ​​the brain stem. With a cube -like appearance, it has an upper face that is linked to the cerebral peduncles, lateral faces associated with the cerebellar peduncles, a posterior face related to the fourth ventricle and a convex anterior face.

Other salients

The ischial protuberance is a protrusion of the ischium bone, a bony component that appears in the hip bones of the pelvis. Two areas are recognized in this bone : the ramus and the body.

In the field of astronomy, the galactic bulge is the main grouping of stars within a spiral galaxy. Astronomers believe that there are different types of galactic bulges or bulges.


Moles and warts are bumps on the skin.

Skin bumps

The name given to any abnormal swelling in the skin is, precisely, skin protuberance . In general, these are benign formations, that is, they are not cancerous, especially those that have a soft or soft body and that feel flexible or easy to move with the fingers. When the lump causes pain and appears suddenly, within a period of no more than two days, the cause is usually an infection or injury.

If any swelling is detected, it is recommended to consult with the doctor and provide all possible information about it. Some of the disorders behind a skin bump are:

  • Lipoma : a formation of fat that accumulates under the skin.
  • Swollen lymph nodes : This usually occurs in the groin, neck, and armpits.
  • Cyst : It is an accumulation of semisolid or liquid material that is wrapped in skin tissue and trapped under the skin.
  • Benign skin tumor : some of its best-known forms are neurofibromas and seborrheic keratoses.
  • Boil : This is a bump that usually involves a hair follicle. It appears reddish and causes a lot of pain .
  • Callus or callus : they usually appear on the sole of the foot or on one of the fingers, since this thickening of the skin arises as a result of the constant pressure exerted on certain parts of the body, something that usually happens when wearing shoes. poor quality or a size smaller than appropriate.
  • Wart : The bump is rough and hard, and usually occurs on the foot or hand, often accompanied by blackheads, and is caused by a skin virus .
  • Mole : it is brown, bronze or simply the same color as the skin in the area in which it appears.
  • Abscess : infected fluid that cannot find its way out of the body.
  • Skin cancer : in this case, the bump tends to bleed and looks like a spot whose size changes and produces a scab.