Sales promotion is a notion that is linked to campaigns whose objective is to promote the marketing of certain products or services . Through these promotions, companies try to position a product in the market and capture the interest of consumers. It is likely that, if the consumer takes advantage of the promotion, buys the product under particular conditions (with a special price, in a 2×1 package, etc.) and likes it, he or she will continue buying it later even when the promotion does not exist.
It should be noted that the action and effect of promoting is known as promotion . The term, from the Latin word promotĭo , is used to name the impulse of a process or a thing; to the improvement of the conditions of something; and to activities that are carried out with the intention of publicizing a product or increasing its marketing .
Sale , on the other hand, is the action and effect of selling . This verb refers to transferring ownership of something to another person after payment of an agreed price. Sales are both the operations and the quantity of things sold.
Features of sales promotion
It is important to be clear that sales promotion is an action that has the following identifying features:
- It has very clear objectives, such as increasing the demand for a specific product in the market or increasing the presence of the brand as well as supporting the advertising of an item in a place.
- No less important is that it also has limits, both in terms of products and time for carrying out the relevant action or actions.
- It should also be noted that the results it can achieve are identified by being almost immediate. Hence, at the same time, it can be said that they are ephemeral.
Sales promotion can have other objectives besides promoting sales in the short term and increasing market share in the long term . A promotion can help break customer loyalty with the competition, break seasonality or try a new product, for example.
The recipients
We must not overlook either that every sales promotion can have two recipients:
- Traders and distributors . Hence, measures are carried out to increase the traffic of the product and the brand in their businesses, to increase the number of orders...
- The final consumers . In this case, sales promotion will be responsible for making them aware of the launch of new items, increasing their purchases, stimulating sales of those products...
Sales promotion tools
Discounts , free samples , coupons , rebates , prizes , promotional gifts , and contests are some of the tools that can be used in a sales promotion.
However, we must not forget to refer to other very useful sales promotion tools. Among these are the following:
- Advertising specialties , these are items that have the name of the brand, product or business in question engraved and that are given to the consumer. This would be the case of keychains, pens, t-shirts...
- Rewards for regular customers , which will translate into discounts or gifts.