Definition of



What is prohibited is something that is not authorized or permitted.

Prohibited is something that is prohibited or not authorized . The forbidden, therefore, lacks permission for its development or its existence.

For example: "Excuse me, but the public's entry to this room is prohibited" , "Throwing garbage in the street is prohibited and people, however, continue to do it" , "The dissemination of a prohibited video of the singer generated a scandal."

How what is prohibited is established

The prohibition can be established in various ways. Whoever is in a position to prohibit, has authority over what he intends to turn into something prohibited. The owner of a bar, to cite one possibility, can inform his customers that it is prohibited to enter bare-chested. This man has the right to establish this prohibition since he has the property of the bar.

Most of the prohibitions are established by the State through the Judiciary , in charge of sanctioning the laws . These legal rules indicate what can and cannot be done within the framework of a society. Stealing, murder, driving a vehicle without registration or license, and selling illegal drugs are just some of the behaviors and actions that are prohibited by law .

Some issues become forbidden over time. Smoking in a restaurant , for example, was a common practice until a few years ago. A change in social awareness about the damage that smoking causes to health led many governments to prohibit smoking in gastronomic establishments and other spaces. Thus, smoking in certain places is now prohibited.

Adam and Eve

In the Bible, the apple is the forbidden fruit that symbolizes sin.

The apple of sin

Throughout history there have been various terms that came to indicate fundamental issues that are precisely prohibited. Thus, for example, we find the so-called forbidden fruit , which refers to that apple, in the form of a sin, which it was established that Adam and Eve could not eat, but which they finally devoured, having to face serious consequences.

In this way, this idea has been maintained to this day and the term fruit or forbidden fruit is associated with sin.

Banned Books Index

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of what was called the Index of Prohibited Books ( Index librorum prohibitorum ). It was promulgated by the Council of Trent during the first half of the 16th century and came to collect the title of those publications that the Catholic Church considered to be an attack on the faith. Hence, by including titles in said list, it established a clear censorship that prevented them from being read.

This document or enumeration was taken into account by the Holy Inquisition , which fought against heresy and believed that these books encouraged it. Among the most significant works that were included are these:

  • "De revolutionobis orbis coelestium" by Nicholas Copernicus .
  • The complete works of the French writer and humanist François Rabelais .
  • "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo .
  • All this without forgetting the works of other illustrious figures such as Kepler , Descartes or Kant .

Over the centuries this list was renewed until, fortunately, it disappeared forever. Specifically, he did it in 1966 .

Dissemination without consent

What is prohibited, finally, can be associated with what is done or disseminated without the consent of someone involved .

If a hacker steals an intimate video from a star's computer , the material may be classified as a banned video .