Definition of



A progression can be a sequence.

Progression is a term that comes from the Latin word progressĭo . The concept is used to name the advancement or development of something. The notion can be linked to the verb to continue , which consists of maintaining or prolonging what has already been started.

For example: “If we manage to maintain the pace of growth, the progression indicates that we will exceed one million pesos in sales during this period,” “It is still early to announce the winner, but a progression of the current results would place the official candidate as the winner in these elections” , “The team's progression was interrupted after the captain's injury” .

A progression can be associated with progress or with a sequence . If a journalist plans to analyze the progression of a public official's assets , he or she will take into account his or her wealth at a certain time and compare it with the assets he or she has at a later time. If the official declared having assets of one million pesos in 2011 and then declared having two million in 2012 , the progression will demonstrate a 100% increase in assets in one year.

Thematic progression

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as thematic progression . It refers to the process or system by which the content of a text is distributed and organized throughout it. Hence it serves to support and make clear what textual cohesion is.

Different authors, throughout history, have analyzed and studied this type of progression, Bernard Combettes being one of the most important in this regard. Specifically, of his work carried out in this sense, he highlighted the fact that he considered that there were three types of it:

  • Linear progression , which means that the rheme (the part of the statement that offers new information) or part of it that establishes a proposition becomes the topic of the next one; That is, there is a concatenation of themes.
  • Constant theme progression . It is that the same theme is presented through various themes throughout the text.
  • Progression of derived themes . Specifically, it determines that there is a hypertheme that can be decomposed, in turn, into several different themes or subthemes.

Thematic progression is related to textual cohesion.

The concept in mathematics

The concept of progression is also used in mathematics to name the succession of terms or numbers linked by a certain law. An arithmetic progression , in this sense, is formed by those numbers whose difference, between successive numbers within the sequence, is constant. This means that the sequence “2, 4, 6, 8” is an arithmetic progression whose constant is 2 .

In a similar sense, a geometric progression is a sequence whose successive elements are obtained by multiplying the previous one by a constant term. “10, 40, 160, 640” is a geometric progression that has 4 as a constant.

Movie "Progression"

Within the world of cinema, we find several productions that have used the term in question in their titles.

Among these, “Progression” stands out (a title that, in our language, can be translated as “Progression” ), released in 2009 and which revolves around adventure and truly dangerous sports disciplines.