Definition of



In computer science, programming involves writing code to create an application.

Programming is the action and effect of programming . This verb has several uses: it refers to devising and ordering the actions that will be carried out within the framework of a project; to the announcement of the parts that make up an act or show; to the preparation of machines to carry out a certain task at a certain time; to the development of programs for solving problems using computers; and to the preparation of the data necessary to obtain a solution to a problem through an electronic calculator, for example.

Nowadays, the notion of programming is closely associated with the creation of computer applications and video games; it is the process by which a person develops a program using a tool that allows him to write the code (which can be in one or several languages, such as C++, Java and Python ) and another that is capable of "translating" it into what is known as machine language , which can be understood by a microprocessor.

This last step is known as compilation and is necessary so that the code can be executed by the platform for which it has been created, which can be a computer , a tablet, a console or a mobile phone, for example. There is also a way of translating the code called interpretation , which consists of analyzing it line by line, until it is translated enough to be able to perform a task. It is worth mentioning that programming languages ​​are divided into two large groups, where those that can be compiled cannot be interpreted, and vice versa.

The step by step of programming

The entire development process involves several stages and requires the work of different specialists. First, starting from the basis of a well-organized project , it is necessary to come up with an attractive, interesting idea that justifies the months or years of effort that will follow. This first part alone can take a long time, since what begins as a perfect product can become, after questioning and observing it from different angles, a sure failure .

Once the idea has been found, the design of the idea must be established; in other words, it is about formalizing everything that has been discussed during the initial search. Although each team works in its own way, since the creation cannot be structured in a rigid way, it is likely that the next logical step is to begin experimenting through programming, to provide the designers with direct and interactive contact with their idea.

Programmers have the power to bring a system, an application, or a video game to life. It is important to note that all of these products can be defined in absolute detail in a document, including images and graphics that explain how every millimeter of them works; however, until a software developer gets into action, it is not possible to see them in motion, test them, or move from theory to practice.


There are numerous programming languages.

Using algorithms

On a more technical level, programming is done through the use of algorithms , which are finite, ordered and unambiguous sequences of instructions that must be followed to solve a problem . Some of them can be grouped and given a name so that they can be easily invoked as many times as necessary.

Just as humans need to breathe constantly, a computer application needs to know the position of the mouse pointer at all times, as well as its activity (whether it has been clicked and with which button, whether it has been released or held down, etc.).

Radio and TV programming

Finally, it should be noted that programming refers to the set of television or radio programs . For example: "I want to watch a movie; let's see what's on the schedule."

Scheduling involves deciding whether to present different programs on specific days and times. The goal is to attract as many viewers or listeners as possible.