Definition of

Work program


A work program allows you to coordinate and plan actions.

The notion of a work program has various uses. It is generally applied to name the planning that is developed around a project or an initiative. The work program, in this way, details what actions will be carried out and what steps to follow.

What the work program does, in this sense, is to systematize the activities that are planned to be carried out . Suppose a club acquires land to build a new gym. To this end, managers develop a work program and set a deadline for completing the works. The work program includes preparing the land, raising the foundation, developing the structure, decorating the gym, etc.

The purpose of a work program is the planning and coordination of actions. This is essential when considering the participation of various institutions in the same project . A work program for the cleanup of a river, to cite one possibility, can distribute the tasks between the municipal government, the national government and a non-governmental organization that works for the protection of the environment .

Types of work program

A work program can also be linked to a type of employment . There are vacation work programs , for example, that contemplate the development of a work activity combined with the enjoyment of leisure. These types of programs are usually applied in tourist destinations, which invite foreigners to work and, in turn, enjoy the place.

There is also talk of a decent work program or decent work program when a State sets certain requirements that companies must meet when providing work.

Work scope

Depending on the context, it is possible to distinguish between different kinds of work programs.

The importance of decent employment

People's well-being can only be guaranteed if certain requirements are met, and one of them is decent work. It is important to remember that work not only brings monetary income, but also opens the doors to social progress and gives us access to services that are essential for our personal and professional development, with the consequent strengthening of our interpersonal relationships.

In short, the decent work program is a synthesis of all the aspirations that a person has throughout their working life . The International Labor Organization ( ILO ) offers the labor community great support that aims to achieve the following four fundamental objectives:

* Job creation : an economy capable of generating investment opportunities, incentivizing companies to create new jobs and promoting sustainable lifestyles;

* Guarantee of labor rights : that all workers are respected, enjoy their rights and are recognized for the effort they make in their job. Furthermore, this point focuses especially on protecting and defending the disadvantaged so that they are fairly represented before the law and preventing them from having to endure inequality due to lack of resources;

* Extension of social protection : to promote productivity and social inclusion, so that all people can enjoy fair conditions in their workplace, regardless of their sex or sexual orientation. That they enjoy the statutory hours of rest and free time, that they can care for their families in cases contemplated by law, that they receive compensation if they lose their job or their income decreases and that they have access to health care;

* Social dialogue : the last point of this work program is perhaps the fundamental one, since it involves the promotion of dialogue between the different components of the system , both employers and employees, to create a pleasant and close climate, increase productivity and considerably reduce the likelihood of conflict.