Definition of



Abundant vegetation is described as profuse.

Profuse is an adjective that comes from the Latin term profusus . This concept is used to describe what is large, numerous, exuberant or abundant .

For example: “The animal ran and hid in the profuse trees,” “When he was shot, he began to bleed profusely,” “Profuse sweating is one of the symptoms of this disease.”

Examples of profuse

The profuse, therefore, is something that appears in large numbers or quantities . Take the case of an investigation that reveals a case of corruption. If the results of said research are disseminated in eight newspapers, seven magazines, eight television channels, fourteen radio stations and dozens of websites, it can be said that the topic was widely disseminated .

It would be different if the research in question was barely mentioned in a newspaper. In that case, the dissemination of the work would be very limited, that is, not profuse at all.

Another example of this notion can be found if we analyze the amount of juice that can be obtained from a fruit . If, by squeezing a single orange, we manage to fill two glasses with the juice, we are in a position to affirm that said fruit gave profuse juice. It is not usual that, by squeezing a single orange, two glasses can be completed, and for that reason profuse refers to an unusual amount.


Profuse sweating is a medical disorder.


Hyperhidrosis , diaphoresis , excessive perspiration or profuse sweating is a medical condition characterized by a considerable and unpredictable level of sweating. A person who suffers from this disorder may sweat even when they are at rest or the weather is cool.

It is important to highlight that sweating is a natural mechanism that helps keep the body cool , and that it occurs with greater intensity in warm temperatures , while we do physical exercise or in the middle of tense situations, in which we are embarrassed, nervous or afraid. Profuse sweating, on the other hand, does not need any of these factors.

One of the key points at a physiological level seems to be the degree of activity of the sweat glands , which in this case is excessive. When profuse sweating is observed in the armpits, hands and feet, it is called primary or focal hyperhidrosis. As expected, this condition has a strong impact on an emotional level, since it prevents the development of a normal social life, all this without forgetting the discomfort it causes on a physical level.

Causes and treatment of profuse sweating

Regarding its causes, it is generally not easy to find them; On the contrary, everything indicates that it is a hereditary condition. Sometimes it occurs as a result of another disorder ; In this case it is known as secondary hyperhidrosis and can be seen in a particular area or throughout the body. Some of the problems that can lead to secondary hyperhidrosis are:

  • Aromegaly (a chronic disease that arises from an injury to the pituitary gland and causes an increase in the size of the nose, jaws, feet and hands).
  • Cancer.
  • Anxiety disorders.
  • Carcinoid syndrome (tumors in the colon, small intestine, bronchi, or appendix).
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Parkinson's disease .
  • Cardiovascular accident.
  • Spinal cord injury.
  • Infections such as tuberculosis.
  • Menopause.

Regarding possible treatments for profuse sweating, antiperspirant products are usually indicated in combination with deodorants, medications to reduce the stimulation of sweat glands, botox (to treat the armpit area), iontophoresis (consists of the use of electricity to temporarily close the sweat glands).

A Mexican company

Profusa is also the name of a Mexican company, based in the state of Michoacán .

This company, which has three and a half decades of history , is dedicated to the production of products based on fruits and vegetables.