Definition of



Going deeper means analyzing something in detail.

Deepening is the process and result of going deeper . This verb , for its part, refers to analyzing something in detail or developing a sharp reflection on a certain matter.

For example: “The teacher liked my work, but she asked me to delve deeper into some topics” , “This candidate does not know what deepening the country's problems is: he only stays with the superficial and makes minor proposals” , “The scientist's deepening of the experiment allowed us to understand its importance.”

The importance of deepening

The action of going deeper consists of paying close attention and investigating an issue to know its details . In this way, deepening helps to achieve a complete understanding of all types of events or phenomena, accessing knowledge of their causes, effects, etc.

A journalist can report that a city is very dirty, as he noticed while walking through its streets. If you work to dig deeper into the matter, you may find out that the dirt is due to a union conflict that led to the interruption of the collection service. You may also discover that many neighbors throw waste in the wrong places.


Depth is important in journalism.

From lack to excess of information

We often find a lack of depth in the claims on which the masses rely, a phenomenon probably as old as the first human civilization. Far from all logic, multitudes of people base their lives on empty concepts, on promises that will not be fulfilled, on speeches dictated by leaders who compensate legitimacy with an excess of charisma and demagoguery; As if this were not enough, this ideological slavery entails investments of money and time on the part of the victims.

We are in the era of information overload . Gone are the days in which we had to passively accept the news that came to us through the media. If we made good use of the Internet, we could get much closer to "the truth" ; But, instead of taking advantage of this tool to become wiser, we allow it to become another means through which they can manipulate us .

Deepening as an increase in intensity

Deepening can also be an increase in the intensity of something or a worsening of some issue.

A country may be in the middle of an economic crisis if its GDP fell 8% in one year and its unemployment rate is around 20% . If, a year later, the GDP falls again by 5% and the unemployment level reaches 25% , it can be said that the crisis has deepened.

The term in the field of finance

The concept of financial deepening refers to those financial services that positively help reduce poverty. It is a process in which a faster growth of the financial aggregates than of the real GDP is observed.

Financial deepening is characterized by allowing the sectors of the rural and urban economy to efficiently access financing , something that is reflected in territorial and business development . It is an element of great importance to determine and sustainably reduce the cost of credit in a country; It should be noted that it is also possible to measure it as deposits or placements between GDP.

According to some experts, among whom is McKinnon , the degree of development of the capital market is best represented in the variable of the financial deepening ratio, which is obtained by dividing the total liquidity of the financial system by the GDP.

One of the most important features of financial deepening is that it generates positive effects on a country's economy , boosting its growth. It is the best way to achieve homogeneous development, and requires the creation of integrative policies and greater access to financial services.