Definition of



There are professions that require teamwork and frequent meetings.

Profession , from the Latin professĭo , is the action and effect of professing (exercising a trade , a science or an art ). The profession, therefore, is the employment or work that someone performs and for which they receive financial compensation . For example: "My father instilled in me the love for this profession" , "To dedicate yourself to this profession you have to work too hard" , "The profession of veterinarian was one of the driving forces of his life" .

In general, professions require specialized and formal knowledge, which is usually acquired after tertiary or university training. Trades, on the other hand, usually consist of informal activities or whose learning consists of practice. In some cases, however, the boundary between profession and trade is blurred.

Classification of professions

One who practices a profession is known as a professional . This person has completed studies and has a certificate or diploma that guarantees his or her competence to perform the job.

Likewise in the Spanish nation, it must be emphasized that a classification of occupations and professions is established. In this way, those are organized into categories such as Armed Forces, Public Administration Management, Business Management, professions associated with what is a first cycle university degree, professions related to second and third cycle university degrees, support technicians , administrative employees, restaurant service workers , shop assistants, agriculture or fishing workers...

Professional intrusion

In addition to all this, it must be emphasized that there is another term that uses the word that concerns us now. This is professional intrusion, which can become a crime and is defined as that circumstance in which a person, who is not authorized to carry out certain professional activities, carries them out.


Medicine is a profession whose practice requires the corresponding degree and qualification.

Specifically, whoever carries out this crime meets two specific circumstances that determine it. On the one hand, the fact that it does not have the necessary qualifications and on the other hand, that it is not part of the different professional associations , which are in charge of ensuring the interests of its members and that regulate the exercise of the activities of those.

In the case of Spain, the aforementioned intrusion is classified as a crime in the Penal Code. Thus, anyone convicted of this should know that, depending on the seriousness of their actions, they may be punished with fines and even prison sentences of up to two years.

The case of medicine, a specialized profession

An example of a profession is medicine , whose professionals are known as physicians or doctors. These experts pursue university studies to specialize in the care and recovery of human health through the study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases or injuries.

It is essential that the doctor be a professional who has graduated from university and has a diploma that endorses him, since the patient's life depends on his work. If a person pretends to be a doctor and proposes a treatment or cure, he or she will be committing a crime. This practice is known as illegal practice of medicine.